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Barnes's own instructions would have sufficiently stamped his team, had these orders been heard by anyone else. At the beginning of the second half Fordham played a much more honest game, and Gridley began to pick up hope that fairness might prevail hereafter. Gridley's own game, in the second half, was as swift and scientific as it had ever been.

From the judges' launch, as soon as the din had died down a bit, came the announcement through a megaphone: "Gridley High School wins by three quarters of a length." Dick heard the news, then ordered quietly: "Paddle -easily." A turn of his own blade swung the prow around so that the "Scalp-hunter" glided in toward the hotel landing float.

Shall I part with the copyright for a downright sum of money, which I understand some prefer doing, or publish on shares, or take a percentage on the sales? These, I believe, are the different ways taken by authors." Mr. Gridley was altogether too considerate to reply with the words which would most naturally have come to his lips.

It's the school yell, and the girls are waving their handkerchiefs." "Then they must be canonizing the school sneak," returned Ripley, frowning hard. "Well, don't wait to see," urged Clara. "We don't care about mixing up too much with such a common crowd as the Gridley H.S. students are."

"Right foot -high foot" had been one of their old kicking signals on the Gridley High School eleven! Lieutenant Dick Prescott fairly throbbed as he now understood the covered signal. "Now!" left Reade's lips with explosive energy, though the word was low-spoken. At "right foot -high foot" and "now" each youth suddenly shot his right foot up into the air.

He talked about having a pistol, in case he were attacked by any of the ruffians who are so numerous in the city, but Mr. Gridley told him, No! he would certainly shoot himself, and he shouldn't think of letting him take a pistol. They went forth, Mentor and Telemachus, at the appointed time, to dare the perils of the railroad and the snares of the city. Mrs.

Oh, what a laugh there'll be in Gridley, among the mucker part of the population, when they find that I'm not class president, but that Dick Prescott is!" Even after he lay in bed, following taps, Bert Dodge could not sleep. He lay tossing restlessly, dark thoughts surging through his mind. "No place on earth seems large enough for Dick Prescott and me together!" muttered Dodge in the dark.

For, almost instantly after Reade had called out, some of the military students around Drayne had demanded of him whether there was a shadow of truth in what Reade had said. Phin Drayne's "brass" had deserted him. He knew, anyway, that these comrades could dig up his past record at Gridley very quickly. Drayne knew that his days at Fordham were over.

I hope everybody here will lead them to believe that I died defying them, consistently and perseveringly, as I did through so many years." Here Mr. Bucket, who was sitting in a corner by the door, good- naturedly offered such consolation as he could administer. "Come, come!" he said from his corner. "Don't go on in that way, Mr. Gridley. You are only a little low.

Gridley," she answered, "if there ain't somebody to be chated somehow, then I don't know an honest man and woman from two rogues. An' have n't I heard Miss Myrtle's name whispered as if there was somethin' goin' on agin' her, an' they was afraid the tahk would go out through the doors, an' up through the chimbley? I don't want to tell no tales, Mr.