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'Jumbo had his hind legs tied, urged Tommy, who had a taste for realism. 'I don't think that will be necessary, objected Mark. 'I'm beautifully tame now, Master Tommy; observe the mildness of my eye. 'The game's over now, said Mabel with decision. 'There, Mr. Ashburn, your elephant life is over. Tommy, come and button my glove for me, like a dear fellow. How dreadfully hot you are! And now Mr.

"I don't want to be a brute about it, but look here! Try to see it my way for a minute. Here are my employers, the owners of this piece. They're putting thousands of dollars into the production of it. They've hired me to make that production a success. Well, I don't know about other games, but this game's a battle.

"You mind your own affairs," he said, with a snarl in his voice; and before they could find an answer for him, he mounted his horse and rode away. "Well!" Marmot exclaimed, when at length he found words. "What game's this, I'd ask?" Smart, from the end of the verandah where he had been watching Slaughter ride through the township, laughed as he answered "Old Cold-blood's waking up.

An exultant look came into his face. "Master, the game's with us it is fighting! I know the difference between the two sets of guns, English and French. Listen that quick, spasmodic firing is French; the steady-as-thunder is English. Well, we've got all sail on. Now, make ready the ship for fighting." "She's almost ready, sir."

You only turn poachers you only go stealing turmits, and fire-ud, and all as you can find and then you'll not need to work. Arn't it yourn? The game's no one's, is it now? you know that. And if you takes turmits or corn, they're yourn you helped to grow 'em.

They're reckonin' the game's played out, and ain't worth hell room, with Fyles smelling around. Those boys'll put you away to Fyles, if they see the pinch coming. And that's where my interests come in. They'll put you away sure as death." If O'Brien were looking for the effect of his solemn warning he was disappointed. Charlie's expression remained unchanged.

But what are you going to do about it?" There was anger in his voice, and Samuel was frightened into silence. There was a pause while they stared at each other. "I'm on top!" exclaimed Bertie. "I'm on top, and I'm going to stay on top don't you see? The game's in my hands; and if I please to get drunk, I get drunk. And you will take your orders and mind your own business.

Alice did not much like keeping so close to her: first, because the Duchess was VERY ugly; and secondly, because she was exactly the right height to rest her chin upon Alice's shoulder, and it was an uncomfortably sharp chin. However, she did not like to be rude, so she bore it as well as she could. 'The game's going on rather better now, she said, by way of keeping up the conversation a little.

My cabin's on Beaver Creek some forty mile above, and game's going there, too." "Settlements," said my father. But presently, after a few whiffs of his pipe, he added, "I hear fine things of this land across the mountains, that the Indians call the Dark and Bluidy Ground." "And well named," said the stranger. "But a brave country," said my father, "and all tramped down with game.

'I didn't know he was hit! said Purvis suddenly; and probably he spoke the truth for once in his life. Toffy was one of the few men who in many years had trusted him, and he had been a good friend to Dick. 'Well, the game's up! said Purvis. And he and his son mounted their horses and rode off into the blackness of the night together.