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A mon connot olez be sober; A mon connot sing To a bonnier thing Nor a pitcher o' stingin' October." "Jenny, my lass," said the old woman, "see who it is. It's oather 'Skedlock' or 'Nathan o' Dangler's." Jenny peeped through the window, an' said, "It's Skedlock. He's lookin' at th' turmits i'th garden. Little Joseph's wi' him. They're comin' in. Joseph's new clogs on."

You only turn poachers you only go stealing turmits, and fire-ud, and all as you can find and then you'll not need to work. Arn't it yourn? The game's no one's, is it now? you know that. And if you takes turmits or corn, they're yourn you helped to grow 'em.

"He knows I'm ready for anythink in reason! Them peas an' beans an' cabbages an' porridges an' carrots an' turmits why, sir, they ain't nothink at all but water an' wind.

Then they tells me I can support myself and mine and so I does. Early and late I hoed turmits, and early and late I rep, and left the children at home to mind each other; and one on 'em fell into the fire, and is gone to heaven, blessed angel! and two more it pleased the Lord to take in the fever; and the next, I hope, will soon be out o' this miserable sinful world.

"What's the matter, boys?" "Turmits is froze, and us can't turn the handle of the cutter. Do ye gie us a turn, please?" We scrambled over the hurdles, and gave the miserable little creatures the benefit of ten minutes' labour. They seemed too small for such exertion: their little hands were purple with chilblains, and they were so sorefooted they could scarcely limp.

"'Twas on a Monday marnin' Afore the break of day, That I tuked up my turmit-hoe An' trudged dree mile away!" Then a rollicking chorus, with rough music in it, surged to their ears "An' the fly, gee hoppee! The fly, gee whoppee! The fly be on the turmits, For 't is all my eye for me to try An' keep min off the turmits!" Mr.

"I don't want your soap," answered the man, "an' I don't recommend cold turmits of a mornin'. But take one if you like, and clear out. The master's cart-whip 'ill be about your ears the moment he sees you!" "Ain't you the master, sir?" "No, I ain't." "Then the turnips ain't yours?" said Clare, looking at him with hungry, regretful eyes, for he could have eaten a raw potato.