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As fine a bunch as ever were bred from the old country's strain. I just feel that mad I could set right in to break things." Then, after a long pause during which the station foreman waited silent: "And only last night, while these guys was raising the mischief right here, I was setting around doping out big talk, and raising a mighty big wad for the round-up of the whole darnation gang.

"Whar does Squire Woodbridge keep hisself these days? I hain't seen him skurcely this week," said Ezra Phelps. "Yew don' genally see much of a rooster the week arter another rooster's gin him a darnation lickin on his own dung hill, an that's wat's the matter with Squire," replied Abner.

"Yes, ef Squire gits his grip agin, some on us will git darnation sore backs, but he's lost it, an he ain't a gonter git it agin ez long ez we fellers keeps ourn. On'y 'twont dew ter hev no foolin, tain't no child's play we're at." "I know one thing dum well" said Obadiah Weeks, "and that is I wouldn' like tew be in Cap'n Hamlin's shoes ef Squire sh'd git top agin.

Kid Restless was interested. There was little enough to interest him in Seal Bay beyond the life of piracy he carried on at the card tables. "It's some queer sort o' trade, ain't it?" he asked. "Queer?" Dupont spat. "Oh, he trades pelts, some o' the best seals ever reach this darnation swamp. But the trade that makes Lorson smile is queer.

The wild shriek of Lady Kingsland would have been echoed by her terrified mother had not the artist clapped his hand firmly over her mouth. "Darnation! Dry up, can't you? Oh, good God!" He started up in horror, nearly upsetting the boat. He had seen the fatal blow given, he saw the body hurled over the railing, and he saw the face of the murderer!

He's sharp enough to contrive some tight trap for us. The dose we've gin the skunks may keep 'em off for a while not long, I reck'n. Darnation! Thar's five o' our fellows wiped out already. It looks ugly, an' like enuf we've all got to go under." "Don't you think our best way will be to make a dash for it, and try to cut through them. If we stay here they'll starve us out.

Here it is!" My attention had by this time been caught by the jelly, now unmistakably solidifying in the center. I moved to the kitchen door to tell Delia to take it off the fire. When I returned, Maggie was digging under the telephone battery-box with a hair-pin and muttering to herself. "Darnation!" she said, "it's gone under!" "If you do get it," I reminded her, "it belongs to Miss Emily."

Hamersley recognises them as part of the penates of his late host. "Stolen goods," continues Walt, "that's what they air. An' stole from a master he's basely betrayed, may be to death. A mistress, besides, that's been too kind to him. Darnation! that's a tortiss-shell comb as belonged to my Concheeter, an' a pair o' slippers I ken swar wur here. What shed we do to him?"

O'Brien's quick eyes surveyed his half-drunken customer with a shrewd, contemptuous speculation. "That sounds like bluff. Hot air never yet beat the p'lice. It needs a darnation clear head, and big acts, to best Fyles. A half-soused bluff ain't worth hell room." Charlie appeared to take no umbrage.

Thar's someb'dy along wi' her. Who the darnation can it be?" After this characteristic soliloquy, he remains silent listening far more eagerly than before. The noises become more distinct, and the voices louder. More than one can be distinguished mingling in the conversation. For some seconds, the hunter maintains his attentive attitude his eye sternly fixed upon the embouchure of the path.