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"Dagont, Tammas," exclaimed the baffled Cruickshanks, "you're aye quoting Scripture. How do you no quote Feargus O'Connor?" "Lads," said Snecky, "Jo hasna heard Mr. Dishart's sermons. Ay, we get it scalding when he comes to the sermon. I canna thole a minister that preaches as if heaven was round the corner."

Thus did the hunted girl get her first lesson in scientific warfare in the Den, and neither she nor Tommy saw the pathos of it. Other lessons followed, and during the rests Grizel told Tommy all that she knew about herself. He had won her confidence at last by by swearing dagont that he was English also. "Is it true that your mother's a bonny swearer?"

"There was some angry muttering from the crowd, and young Charles Yuill exclaimed, 'Dagon you, would you lord it ower us on week-days as well as on Sabbaths?" "'Have you on your Sabbath shoon or have you no on your Sabbath shoon? 'Guid care you took I should ha'e the dagont things on! retorted the farmer." It will be seen that "dagont," as used above, is the Scotch form of "dog-oned." But Mr.

"Promise no to scream," he replied, warningly. "Well, then, Elspeth Sandys, that's where the Den is!" Elspeth blinked with awe, and anon said, wistfully, "Tommy, do you see that there? That's where the Den is!" "It were me what told you," cried Tommy, jealously. "But let me tell you, Tommy!" "Well, then, you can tell me." "That there is the Den, Tommy!" "Dagont!" Oh, that to-morrow were here!

"Oh, dagont, dagont!" he would cry in ecstasy over these fair scenes, and she, awed or gurgling with mirth according to the nature of the last, demanded "'Nother, 'nother!" whereat he remembered who and what she was, and showing her a morsel of the new one, drew her to more distant parts, until they were so far from his street that he thought she would never be able to find the way back.

Seeing at once that they were after him, Tommy ran, ran, ran until in turning a corner he found himself wedged between two legs. He was of just sufficient size to fill the aperture, but after a momentary look he squeezed through, and they proved to be the gate into an enchanted land. The magic began at once. "Dagont, you sacket!" cried some wizard.

Whamond, she says solemnly, 'you've come thrice to the manse to keep me frae being uneasy about my son's absence, and you was the chief instrument under God in bringing him to Thrums, and I'll gie you a little o' that hair. "Dagont, what did I care about his hair? and yet to see her fondling it! I says to myself, 'Mrs.

I tell yer what, I'll kiss you with folk looking on, I will, and no be ashamed to do it, and if Shovel is one of them what sees me, and he puts his finger to his nose, I'll blood the mouth of him, I will, dagont!" Then he prayed for forgiveness, and he could always pray more beautifully than Elspeth. Even she was satisfied with the way he did it, and so, alack, was he.

"'I ken it wasna for me you did it, she said, 'but for him; but, oh, Mr. Whamond, will that make me think the less o' you? He's my all, she says, wi' that smile back in her face, and a look mixed up wi't that said as plain, 'and I need no more. I thocht o' saying that some builds their house upon the sand, but dagont, dominie, it's a solemn thing the pride mithers has in their laddies.

"And we meant to tell you about it at once," said Waster Lunny; "but there's aye so muckle to say about a minister. Dagont, to hae ane keeps a body out o' langour. Ay, but this breaks the drum. Dominie, either Mr. Dishart wasna weel, or he was in the devil's grip." This startled me, for the farmer was looking serious.