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But though it was now past five o'clock, there was no sign of Cherry or her rushes, and Keziah looked both surprised and uneasy. "Belike she came in with dirty clogs and skirt, and has gone up to her bed chamber to change them, for fear of Aunt Susan telling her she was cluttering up the parlour," said the sister, anxiously. "I will run and see.

Belike she is with child or ailing; but there is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Allah, the Glorious, the Great! So I continued walking on behind them, till they stopped at the door of a great house; and, entering before me, brought me into a big hall I know not how I shall describe its magnificence furnished with the finest furniture.

And you know her face, belike, from my poor picture of my lady." Charlotte looked at me steadily, and flushed red; but even then, one who rode by among the men-at-arms noted me, and, waving his arm towards me, cried in a loud voice "Hail, fair son, soon will I be with thee!" and so, turning in his saddle to watch me, he laughed a loud laugh and rode onwards.

Then quoth I, "Belike 'tis little Marjory Pebble, or one o' the Mouldy lads over th' way;" for the babes all loved Keren, and, now that she was waxed so quiet, th' lads left her more to herself, and she would sit on th' bench by the cottage door and make little kickshaws by th' hour elder-wood whistles, and dolls o' forked radishes, and what not.

"I was her bedfellow betimes, and oft within the night have heard her speak a name unto her pillow, as love-sick maids will." Now once again was Beltane aware of the throb and sting of his wounded arm, yet 'twas not because of this he sighed so deep and oft. "Spake she this name often?" he questioned. "Very oft, messire. Aye me, how chill the wind blows!" "Some lord's name, belike?"

"The stones found by Landolfo," began Fiammetta, to whose turn it came to tell, "have brought to my mind a story scarce less full of perilous scapes than that related by Lauretta, but differing therefrom inasmuch as the adventures comprised in the latter befell in the course of belike several years and these of which I have to tell in the space of a single night, as you shall hear.

"What news, what news, thou foolish old man?" said Robin, "what news, I do thee pray?" "Three squires in Nottingham town," quoth the palmer, "are condemned to die. Belike that is greater news than the shire has had in some Sundays." Then Robin's long-sought idea came to him like a flash.

The large man and his companions had bestowed themselves with what comfort they could about the bare deck. Belike, the thing big in their minds had been their departure from that critical shore; and now that the hazard was so far reduced their thoughts were loosed to the consideration of further deliverance.

"'Tis well!" sighed Beltane. "Well, master nay, how mean you?" "That being at Barham Broom, they cannot be otherwhere, Roger. Saw you Pertolepe's banner among all these?" "Aye, master; they have set up his pavilion beside the Duke's." "Tell me now," said Beltane, coming to his elbow, "how many men should be left within Garthlaxton for garrison, think you?" "An hundred, belike!" said Walkyn.

Then was Sigurd glad, and went home. But Regin said, "Now whereas I have made the sword for thee, belike thou wilt hold to thy troth given, and wilt go meet Fafnir?" "Surely will I hold thereto," said Sigurd, "yet first must I avenge my father." Now Sigurd the older he grew, the more he grew in the love of all men, so that every child loved him well.