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That evening in the hour before bed-time instead of reading to the children Mother told them stories of the games she and Father used to have when they were children and lived near each other in the country tales of the adventures of Father with Mother's brothers when they were all boys together. Very funny stories they were, and the children laughed as they listened.

"Playing with a boy!" exclaimed Miss Grizzel. "A boy in my grounds, and you, my niece, to have played with him!" "Yes," said Griselda coolly, "and I want to play with him again." "Griselda," said her aunt, "I am too astonished to say more at present. Go to bed." "Why should I go to bed? It is not my bed-time," cried Griselda, blazing up.

'I 'll come directly, sounded the organist's voice, with a curious jogging effect in it, such as Millet was used to sometimes in his conversations with his wife at the children's bed-time.

Humphreys, having led a life that turned night into day, sat at the farther end of the long upper porch, smoking his cigar, waiting a bed-time nearer to the one to which he was accustomed. Did he suspect the struggle in the heart of Julia Anderson? Did he guess that her pride and defiance had by this time reached high-water mark? Did he divine this from seeing her there?

But these were rare events: on ordinary days the cows dozed undisturbed in the sleepy, foggy air, and the men lounged on the trough by the pump, and smoked from morning until bed-time, and cracked jokes on each other, and told marvellous stories of the war and its ravages. "It giv' Sevier a staggerin' blow, gentlemen," old Judge Scroope would say: "we'll never recover from it.

The spirit of the congregation is thus described by the missionary. "They like to hear a good long exposition, and then to stay and hear and converse, after prayer, as long as we are able to sit up. Some are coming in during the day at all hours, so that we scarcely cease teaching and preaching from morning until bed-time."

"Well, so you shall; but there's a time for everything, and this is bed-time, unless you like to go with me; the weather has cleared up, and I want to catch a fish or two for to-morrow." As Ready had predicted, the weather set in fine after the violent storm of which we have made mention.

"There, now! now you know the difference between a common noun and a proper one! are you not glad?" asked Ishmael, smiling. "Yes; but they'll all be done supper, and the hominy'll be cold!" said the boy sulkily. "Oh, no, it will not. I know all about the boiling of hominy. They'll keep the pot hanging over the fire until bed-time, so you can have yours hot as soon as you get home.

You know how reserved she is about her feelings, but when she sat on my knee she quite sobbed." "I was rather brutal to her," said Polly, in a nonchalant tone, flinging up the sash of the bedroom window as she spoke, and indulging in a careless whistle. It was bed-time, but the girls were tempted by the moonlight night to sit up and look out at the still, sweet beauty, and chatter together.

And he in his stockin' feet, and a pertendin' that he didn't put his boots on, because it wuzn't wuth while to put 'em on agin so near bed-time.