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Arsk 'im to shut up 'is brewery an' sell no more ale wi' pizon in't to the poor! That'll do more for Temp'rance than the early closin' o' the 'Trusty Man." "Ye're right enough," said Matt Peke, who had refrained from taking any part in the conversation, save by now and then whispering a side comment to Helmsley.

Not that I mind what he thinks." Mr. Silk breathed hard and looked from one to the other. "Perhaps he'll grow out of it," said Nugent, hopefully. "Cheer up, Teddy. You're young yet." "Might I arsk," said the solemnly enraged Mr. Silk, "might I arsk you not to be so free with my Christian name?"

And who might you be, anyway?" "I cullud gen'lem'n, sar. Born Zanzibar. Used to be fireman on P. and O. I want arsk you " "Is this the Arabian Nights? How the mischief did you get here, anyway?" "Went on burst in Aden, sar. Th'ole Chief fired me out. Went Yemen. Caught for slave. Taken caravan. Brought here. But I'm very clever gen'lem'n, sar, an' soon bought myself free. Got slave of my own now.

"Never mind 'im," said his wife, who was sitting in the easy chair, distributing affectionate smiles between her daughter and the startled Mr. Nugent. "Make 'er happy, Jack, that's all I arsk. She's been a good gal, and she'll make a good wife. I've seen how it was between you for some time." "So 'ave I," said Mr. Kybird. He shook hands warmly with Mr.

"If you remember, sir," he said, "I found this man's leave paper in the front garden of the Mackwayte's house at Laleham Villas, Seven Kings, the day after the murder. There are one or two questions I should like to put..." "No need to arsk any questions," said Barling. "I'll tell you the whole story meself, mister. I was on leave at the time, due to go back to France the next afternoon.

"It's a fine day and a lovely pink sunset, and there's a beautiful mild sirocco blowing off the African shore to make the 'ot night pleasant as we approach it in the boats. A man could 'ardly arsk to be torpedoed under more pleasant conditions, I say, and we continue to row toward the shore in 'igh 'opes. It's maybe two in the mornin' when we see the side-lights of a ship.

In a week he would have known every man and dog in the village by name. "Good mornin', sir," said the Law, which was nibbling its chin strap and had both thumbs stuck in its belt. "That's a fine thing you was singin'. May I arsk wot it was? I do a bit in that line meself." "It's the cantabile from Saint-Saëns' Samson et Dalila," replied Trenholme. "Mon coeur s'ouvre

"Don't arsk me," answered the cassock. "He ain't got no ticket." "Now then, out of it!" said the policeman, taking zealously hold of Priam. "I'll thank you to leave me alone," said Priam, rebelling with all the pride of his nature against this clutch of the law. "Oh, you will, will you?" said the policeman. "We'll see about that. We shall just see about that."

The man in the bed had grown very white, his eyes burned wildly out of a shrunken face, and he gripped the sheets and shivered in pure physical terror. "I caan't die, I caan't die, not yet," he groaned, "pray to the Lard to keep me from dyin' yet a while, mister. Arsk en to give me just a lil time, 'cause I'm that sorry for my scarlet sins."

Ses I, 'Who's 'im? Ses she, 'It's on the letter; don't you arsk no questions an' you won't 'ear no lies, but give it to 'im at the Club, an' wait for 'im at the corner of Bourke Street and Russell Street. So out I goes, and gives it to a cove at the Club, an' then 'e comes along, an' ses 'e, 'Take me to 'er, and I tooked 'im." "And what like was the gentleman?"