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Upward they climb, afire with zeal; Howe has won a battery; upward! the picket on the height, too late aroused from sleep by the stern miracle, is overpowered. With panting lungs man after man tops the ascent and sees the darkling plain and forms in line with his comrades, while still the stream winds up endlessly from the depths below. The earth is giving birth to an army.

He could set the chicken house afire, if he followed you inside,” replied Solomon Owl wisely. “And I, for one, am not going near the pullets to-night.” “Nor I!” Fatty Coon echoed. “I’m going straight to the cornfield. The corn is still standing there in shocks; and I ought to find enough ears to make a good meal.” But Solomon Owl and Tommy Fox were not interested in corn. They never ate it.

A white straw hat, of the New York tourist type, with a long veil draped from the back suited her delicate beauty very well. The red mouth drooped a little at the corners, but the big violet eyes, like lamps of the soul, seemed afire with mystic light. "Mr. Cavanagh," she said, very calmly and deliberately, "there is only one way now to end all this trouble.

"See!" cries Frank; "our gunboats are shelling the shore, to make a landing-place for us. I wouldn't like to be in the woods there!" "I guess Frank wouldn't!" observes Jack. "But I would; I'd like no better fun than to rush right in and skedaddle the rebels with the bayonet; that's the way to do it!" "The woods are afire! Our shells have set them afire!" cries Ellis.

It followed, therefore, that she must have waited every evening for his coming, and that her songs had been sung for him. An ecstasy swept over him. Regaining the path, he went downward to the monastery, his brain afire, his body tingling.

Why should she feel her body hot with shame, her cheeks afire? At such moments she would turn to the typewriter, her fingers striking the keys with amazing rapidity, with extraordinary accuracy and force, force vaguely disturbing to Mr. Claude Ditmar as he entered the office one morning and involuntarily paused to watch her.

"If thou hast eyes the Mayor's show is free." "Oh, feckins, wun't it be fine?" gaped Hodge. "Be it a tailors' show, Nick, wi' Herod the King, and a rope for to hang Judas? An' wull they set the world afire wi' a torch, an' make the earth quake fearful wi' a barrel full o' stones?

In the hall he struck against Merriwell, who had Lazaro pinned to the floor. Frank was knocked aside and his hold on the villain broken. At the same moment he heard a cry of distress from Browning. "Great heavens! Hodge is afire! He'll be burned to death!" Hodge, Frank's dearest friend, was in frightful peril. That cry caused Merry to leave Lazaro, thinking there could be no escape for the man.

"That smoke lies a good way beyond the mouth of the river," said Phineas Roebach. "I believe it is on the sea." "A vessel afire?" proposed Mark. "It's a fire on a vessel," said the professor, suddenly. "I believe that is the smoke of the trying-out works on a whaler." "You've hit it, Professor," agreed Andy Sudds. "It's a whaler for sure.

"Pleasant enough," said Ann, trying to yawn, "but I felt rather stupid, as I often do." "Stupid! Is it possible?" exclaimed the astonished girl. "You were talking with Mr. Burns; well, he didn't look as if he would ever set the North River afire with his energies, it is true."