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Updated: August 14, 2024

"It was brought to me a little while ago, by one of ze students. It was dark in ze hallway and I could not see ze face of heem." "Luck for me," murmured Sam. "I see my name on ze wrappair," went on Professor Socrat. "Zen I open it an' I see ze name of Mr. Grimm. I go to heem. Ha! Zings begin to what you call happen after zat!" "Vamoose!" whispered Sam. "I guess we've seen all the fun.

He is goot, right down to zee marrow kind, amiable, oonselfish, obliging, nevair seems to zink of himself at all, ant, abof all zings, is capable. Vat he vill do, he can do vat he can do he vill do. But he is sad very sad." "I have observed that, of course," said Nigel. "Do you know what makes him so sad?" The professor shook his head. "No, I do not know. Nobody knows.

"I vant none of zos zings; Saint Cristoval, non! non! Ze Capitaine he tole me get him some of ze olif haf you no olif in ze leetle boat?" The darkies shook their heads, instantly starting in again to call their wares, but the fellow on the rail waved them back. "Zen ve don't vant you here!" he cried shrilly. "Go vay dam quick, or else ze soldier shoot."

Zey do not follow you you are what you say too clevaire? But still zey come." Tom listened, his heart in his throat at the thought of being turned out of this home where he had hoped for shelter. "We are already suspect," Florette explained. "My pappa, he fought for France long ago. But so zey hate him. My name zey get how old All zeze zings zey write down everyzing. Zey come for me soon.

"'What are they?" "I know not, Senorita. I am not versed in such zings. A fellow patriot of my father gave them to me." "Have you them with you?" asked Bess. The girl started up in bed, and clutched at her breast. A wild look came over her face. "I had zem in New York I bring zem away wiz me. Zat man he is ze enemy of my father and his party. He know I have zem, and he try to entrap me.

Gallosh, divine Mees Gallosh, and all ze ladies and gentlemans, how sorry I vas I could not make my speech before, I cannot eggspress. I had a headache, and vas not vell vithin. Ach, soch zings vill happen in a new climate. Bot now I am inspired to tell you I loff you all! I zank you eggstremely! How can I return zis hospitality? I vill tell you! You must all go to Bavaria and stay mit "

He is goot, right down to zee marrow kind, amiable, oonselfish, obliging, nevair seems to zink of himself at all, ant, abof all zings, is capable. Vat he vill do, he can do vat he can do he vill do. But he is sad very sad." "I have observed that, of course," said Nigel. "Do you know what makes him so sad?" The professor shook his head. "No, I do not know. Nobody knows.

Two zings I haf not zere,” replied the Baron, waving his hand round towards the horizon. “Vun is ze vet sheet of flowing seasays not your poet so? Ze ozzer” (laying his hand on his heart) “is ze Lady Alicia

The weather is so very bad, I am sure you will not enjoy such a dull place as this," said Mattie, turning to Mr. Gusher and resuming the conversation, cold and emotionless. "No, no, miss," rejoined Mr. Gusher, smiling; "I am zure I shall be so happy wiz you. Wiz you to zay so many good zings to me, my heart shall be in ze paradise." Here Mr. Gusher made a bow, and pressed his hand to his heart.

“A novel, a story to tell to mine frients. In a strange city man expects strange zings.” “Well, I’ll do my best for you, but I confess the provision of romantic adventures is a little outside the programme we’ve arranged.” “Ha, ha! Ve shall see, ve shall see, Bonker!”

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