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But, look here, Blyth, when you say 'draw from the life, there can't be the smallest doubt, of course, about what you mean but, at the same time, if you would only be a little less professional in your way of expressing yourself " "Good heavens, Zack, in what barbarous ignorance of art your parents must have brought you up!

He found the young engineer out under the trees, deep in the contemplation of the sky. Jerkily pulling off his gloves, he said: "I want a drink!" "You must have caught his eye," Brent smiled, as the tactful Zack was seen following from the house with two frosted, green-tipped goblets of silver hugged close to his stomach.

Zack arrived with the ox-sled at the time appointed, and Ged perched on it. 'Just look at the pile of vessels the fellow has brought to carry away his share of the molasses and sugar, said Arthur, as the clumsy vehicle came lumbering up.

Zack Bunting and his team, Davidson and his team, and his tall sons; Captain Armytage and Mr. Reginald; Jacques Dubois and another French Canadian; a couple of squatters from the other side of the lake; altogether two dozen men were assembled, with a fair proportion of oxen. It was a burning summer day: perhaps a hundred degrees in the sun at noon.

'Robert will know the report, observed Arthur, with a smile, to think of his pleasure in the recognition, 'if he's near enough. 'We'll make tracks for the "Corner," I guess, said Uncle Zack with alacrity; 'that war the meetin'-place, an' you must be powerful hungry. They took the Indjin out to foller your trail; them savages has noses an' eyes like hounds.

Peckover," continued Zack, mimicking the tone and manner of his old clerical enemy, the Reverend Aaron Yollop, "what I am now about to say grieves me deeply; but I have a solemn duty to discharge, and in the conscientious performance of that duty, I now unhesitatingly express my conviction that the remark you have just made is a flam." "It isn't Monkey!" returned Mrs.

A Dog scared by a Canine Ghost A friend of mine, Edward Morgan, had a terrier that was found one morning, poisoned in a big stone kennel. Soon afterwards this friend came to me and said, "I have got a new dog a spaniel but nothing will induce it to enter the kennel in which poor Zack was poisoned. Come and see!" I did so, and what he said was true.

A curious change came over his face at the same time a change like that which had altered him so remarkably in the hosier's shop at Dibbledean. "Zack might, after all, have made many a worse friend than this man," thought Mr. Blyth, still attentively observing Mat. "Vagabonds don't behave in the presence of young girls as he is behaving now."

His landlord's wife happened to be in the passage when he opened the door. Without the ceremony of a single preliminary word, he astonished her by taking her candle out of her hand, and instantly disappearing up-stairs with it. Zack had not come from the theater he had the lodgings to himself he could examine the hair Bracelet in perfect freedom. His first look was at the clasp.

He gave a low chuckle, adding: "Lor', chile, Miss Liz ain' gwine know nuthin'. Ole Zack kin keep mum an' fool de smartes' of 'em! Didn' I fetch Marse John's djeulin' pistols one Sunday mawnin' right under de Bible layin' on de cushion we cyarried to chu'ch fer ole Miss to kneel on?