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I know his ring among a thousand; it's worse even than the postman's; it's like an alarm of fire!" Here Valentine drums gently with his mahl-stick on the floor. Madonna looks towards him directly; he waves his hand round and round rapidly above his head. This is the sign which means "Zack." The girl smiles brightly, and blushes as she sees it. Zack is apparently one of her special favorites.

That's barter, and barter's commerce, old boy! it's all my father's fault; he will make a tradesman of me. Dutiful behavior, isn't it, to be doing a bit of commerce already on my own account?" "I'll tell you what, Zack," said Mr. Blyth, "I don't like the way you're going on in at all. Your last letter made me very uneasy, I can promise you." "You can't be half as uneasy as I am," rejoined Zack.

"Did you see dat?" Uncle Zack cried, and not till then did the Colonel know he was nearby. "It wasn't fair! It wasn't fair, Zack! Take her out four quarts of oats!" "I don' see whar she's gwine put 'em, wid all dat grass inside her," he laughed. "If she wuz a man, I'd a-tucken her a toddy 'foh now to cheer her ole heart!

"You can't prove it by me, you rogue," the old gentleman asserted. "I may think about it," she compromised, smiling over her shoulder as she turned away. They drew up to the table and arranged the chess board. Zack stood waiting for the goblets, having no intention to leave these treacherous exhibits again at large should a spirit of fatigue overtake the players.

"Don't call it grog," retorted Mat, with two disputatious taps on the rim of the glass. "Dear me!" asked Valentine, amazedly, "what is it then?" "It's Squaw's Mixture," answered Mat, with three distinct taps of asseveration. Mr. Blyth and Zack laughed, under the impression that their queer companion was joking with them.

If young Thorpe had not been the most thoughtless of human beings as much a boy still, in many respects, as when he was locked up in his father's dressing-room for bad behavior at church he might have guessed long ago why he was the only one of Madonna's old friends whom she did not permit to kiss her on the cheek! But Zack neither guessed, nor thought of guessing, anything of this sort.

But, a few minutes later when he had climbed to Brent's room, so excited was he with news and fresh plans that his very first words were: "Did you know that that fellow, Stone, is going to marry our Nancy?" He, like Aunt Timmie, put his secrets in safe places. Being in the third floor is why he failed to see Jess come onto the porch, or Uncle Zack admit him to the library.

Rather more than an hour after this time or, in other words, a little past midnight the door opened again softly, and Zack appeared on the step, equipped for his nocturnal expedition. He hesitated, as he put the key into the lock from outside, before he closed the door behind him. He had never done this on former occasions; he could not tell why he did it now.

Zack, as he walked slowly away, also sighed, but it held a curious mixture of perplexity and anticipation: perplexity, because Brent had scarcely drunk a third of his julep, and anticipation for an obvious reason. "All the same," the engineer announced when they were alone, "Bip is too young!" "Of course, he's too young," the Colonel heartily agreed.

This schoolboy tomfoolery is sickening, and I'm going to put a stop to it right now, sir!" So when the servant drew near, with a sly smile that did anything but assuage the Colonel's humor, he raged anew: "Zack, you rascal, hereafter when you bring me a julep I want you first to ask Miss Liz if she thinks it looks well enough to be served!"