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Last night an ostrich feather from your fragrant hair Unnoticed fell. I guard it Well. Yestere'en From your tiara I have slid, Unseen, A single diamond, And I keep it Hid. Last night you left inside the vestibule upon the sill A quarter dollar, And I have it Still. But even those who know Ram Spudd as the poet of nature or of passion still only know a part of his genius.

"Yestere'en the Virgin Mary came near my stove, in a broidered mantle clad, and said to me, 'Here, hide 'neath my veil the child whom you one day begged from me. Haste to the city, buy linen, buy a needle, buy thread. "Lovely things we will buy As we stroll the faubourgs through. "Dear Holy Virgin, beside my stove I have set a cradle with ribbons decked.

Bread have I not broken since yestere'en, and sleep will be far from my eyes to-night. Fear not, for my people without are stout and armed, and for the rest there lives not the man whose arm can have power over Hilda." She took Harold's hand as she spoke, and leading him forth, whispered in his ear, "I would have a word with thee ere we part."

Mirza Shah built to her memory a splendid mosque, and these are the words engraved on her tomb beneath the central dome, showing how her virtues were esteemed and her one act of wrong was forgotten: "'Before my tomb, O stranger, stay thy way, Reflect on fate's inexorable decree; But yestere'en I was as thou to-day, What I am now to-morrow thou wilt be.

She turned with an air of satirical defiance to little Jacob, and began to question him directly. "Come!" she said, "I mean to know all about this. You naughty boy, when did you see the ghost?" "Yestere'en, at the gloaming," replied Jacob. "Oh! you saw it yesterday evening, in the twilight? And what was it like?"

There were some five-and-forty of the king's friends come together here no longer ago than yestere'en to drink his Majesty's health, and eh, man! but it will cost me a pretty penny! Will that satisfy ye?" "Yes," said Jennifer, thinking, mayhap, as I did, that nothing short of gospel-true news would have sufficed to unlock this poor old miser's wine cellar.

Janice, with hands that shook, essayed to snip out a rose petal which her own cheeks matched in tint. Evatt removed first his hat and then his wig, that he might mop his head. Having replaced the hirsute ornament, he continued: "And thy father is as hot for thy marriage with that yokel. He set the day yestere'en." "When?" demanded the girl, looking up anxiously. "What say ye to this day week?"

We was sent out yestere'en toward Somerset Court-house, a-foragin', and this mornin' as we was returnin', we was set upon by the rebels." "Devil burn it!" muttered the captain, "what do you call such mode of warfare? At Millstone Ford, where they attacked us, they scattered like sheep as we deployed for a charge.

So did I, yestere'en, upon my knightly word, pledge her my troth, so shall she be henceforth my lady of Alain and chatelaine of divers goodly castles, manors, and demesnes. To-night she cometh to me in her rags, and to-night we set forth, she and I, to Mortain, hand in hand nor shall my lips touch hers, Beltane, until Holy Church hath made us one. How think ye of my doing, friend?"

"Ay 't will put us to our trumps to make ready enough hot victual for all," replied the elder's wife. "They shall have none of the marchpane thou didst make yestere'en, Priscilla!" expostulated Desire Minter anxiously. "There is no more than enow for us that be women." "That will rest as our dear mother says," replied Priscilla smiling into Dame Brewster's face.