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Sommers had edged her into a protected corner formed by a large telephone post. The jostling people stared impudently at the prettily dressed young woman. To their eyes she betrayed herself at a glance as one of the privileged, who used the banned Pullman cars. "Whar's your kerridge?" a woman called out over Sommers's shoulder. A man pushed him rudely into his companion.

"Whar's the court-house, I reckon ye mean to say," replied the sheriff a burly mountaineer in brown jeans and high boots, on which the spurs jingled; for in his excitement he had put them on as mechanically as his clothes, as if they were an essential part of his attire.

When he next awoke Constance and Keith were sitting near, watching him attentively. He did not notice them, however, for he was off on the trail, following up the golden lure. "Alec, man," he said, "are ye thar? It's gittin' dark, an' the trail's rough. Lower this pack from me back, man; it's too heavy, I can't stan' it. Whar's me blanket, Alec? It's cold to-night. Throw some sticks on the fire.

Jethro himself had said so, that he would be happy to abdicate in Chester's favor, and make it unanimous Chester having been a candidate so many times, and disappointed. "Whar's Chester?" said Lem Hallowell. Joe pulled a long face. "Just come from his house, and he hain't done a lick of work sence noon time. Jest sets in a corner won't talk, won't eat jest sets thar."

Whar's he at?" demanded Alexander in a clear voice that went through the place like the note of a xylophone. She stood out, a picture of serene beauty drawn against an infernally evil and confused background. Two of the wretched women came forward and bent upon her the full battery of their brazen and leering curiosity. "Pants!" exclaimed one of them satirically. "Ther wench hain't got no shame!"

If they could ride across this barren stretch, said Luck to Applehead, he and his bunch could certainly follow them. "Well, this is kinda takin' chances," Applehead observed soberly, "unless Ramon, he knows whar's the water-holes. If he does hit water regular, I calc'late we kin purty nigh foller his lead.

His deep-set, hungry eyes, upon which his comrades set such store, roved around the camp. "Whar's the gurl?" he queried. "Jim let her go out fer a stroll," replied Anson. "I seen Jim was gittin' softy over her. Haw! Haw! Haw!" But Snake Anson did not crack a smile. The atmosphere appeared not to be congenial for jokes, a fact Burt rather suddenly divined.

Major M'Toddy, I am here to receive your message; pray deliver it, and let us settle this matter as soon as possible." "Whar's the calumny?" said the major. "You wadna have me to believe, Captain Smith, that the lady does not prefer you to him?"

The feet and lower limbs of Captain Shirril soon appeared on the rounds of the ladder, with Dinah close behind him. In her eagerness to get at the Indian, she stooped forward, so that her big dusky face showed almost over his shoulders. She was just getting ready to fall on the warrior, when she observed that he was gone. "Whar's dat willian?" she demanded, glancing round the dimly lit room.

But on the contrary, 'Lias emerged with fresh energy from the gulf of inarticulate argument in which his poor wits seemed to have lost themselves awhile. 'But I'm no blamin yo awthegither, he cried, raising himself, with a protesting wave of the hand. 'Theer's naw mak o' mischief i' this world, but t' women are at t' bottom o't. Whar's that proud foo of a wife o' yourn?