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"Ouah Cunnel," explained the Sergeant, "wuz afeared you'ns 'd try to flank us through the thicket, and sent me down to make a rumpus and hold you back while he fit you in front. But whar's your company?" "We'll come to it soon," said Si. SI CALLED out to the other boys by name to come up and join him. The rebel Sergeant mentally tallied off each name as it was called.

As I glanced at the sturdy limbs of the giant miner I thought that he would be apt to meet but few men who would not prefer the shooting to the licking. "You often have trouble here in Ballarat?" Fred asked. "Well, no, I can't say that I see much of it. Sometimes the fellers make a rumpus, but they generally let me alone, and that's all I ax of 'em. But whar's that 'ere licker we's to have?

The water streamed down his face and he felt the chill of it as it permeated his clothes, but that was well it was his only friend and ally now. Like some ghostly bride he stumbled up through the lurid night, dragging the unwieldly train behind him. Apparently no one saw this strange apparition as it disappeared amid the enveloping flames. "Tom whar's Tom?" called Jeb Rushmore again.

The darndest, kickin'est, bitin'est beast th't ever I see, 'r ever wan' t' see ag'in! Good reddance! Don' wan' no snappin'-turkles in my stable! Whar's the man gone th't brought the critter?" "Whar he's gone? Guess y' better go 'n ask my ol man; he kerried him off lass' night; 'n' when he comes back, mebbe he 'll tell ye whar he's gone tew!"

In other words, the thing seems to be a syndicate of robbers operated and directed from a central point by men of brains and resource." "An' whar's ther central p'int?" "St. Louis." "Ah, I begins ter smell a mice. So yer gradooly led up ter this place, pretendin' ter sell hosses, eh?" "No; we'll kill two birds with one stone.

"That's it," sighed Lil: "we're going off to that grand city, where I suppose the ladies wear silks and satins every day, and we've nothing to wear." "Whar's de money for de cotton?" Maum' Hepsey demanded, her lower jaw dropping in such a surprised way that the black pipe fell out and barely escaped the lye hominy. "A hundred dollars doesn't go very far," said Lil contemptuously.

Jethro himself had said so, that he would be happy to abdicate in Chester's favor, and make it unanimous Chester having been a candidate so many times, and disappointed. "Whar's Chester?" said Lem Hallowell. Joe pulled a long face. "Just come from his house, and he hain't done a lick of work sence noon time. Jest sets in a corner won't talk, won't eat jest sets thar."

Simpson was still rugged and grim, while the woman yet cowered and now and then raised terrified and appealing eyes. "Whar's your driver?" asked Simpson. "He has gone down to the stable to feed and care for his horses," replied the candidate, easily. "He's a very careful man, always looks after his horses before he looks after himself. He told us not to wait for him, as he'll be along directly."

What you need is suthin' to stop it up." "Obviously," said Peggy with a trace of annoyance in her tone. "Now don't git riled, fer I've hit on a scheme ter git yer out of yer troubles." Bud shoved back his sombrero and gazed triumphantly at the astonished girl aviator. "But, Bud, how?" "Easy enough. Hyar," he exclaimed, looking back at the horsemen behind him, "whar's that dude Chick Berry?"

"Looks as ef they smelt suthin b'ar or Injin ponies," suggested the mail agent. "Injin ponies?" repeated Foster scornfully. "Fac'! Injin ponies set a hoss crazy jest as wild hosses would!" "Whar's yer Injin ponies?" demanded Foster incredulously. "Dunno," said the mail agent simply.