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So I went up the week's journey to Eagle and sought assistance from Major Plummer, the officer commanding the post, who, after telegraphing to Washington, promptly despatched a hospital steward and a couple of soldiers, and placed them entirely at the nurse's disposal. "I don't think we have any law for it," he said, "but we'll bluff it out."

Claiborne did not move; he smiled upon them, recrossed his legs, and settled his back more comfortably against the mantel-shelf. "I really forget where he said he would be at this hour. He and his man may have gone to Washington, or they may have started for Vienna, or they may be in conference with Baron von Marhof at my father's, or they may be waiting for you at the gate. The Lord only knows!"

The Cosmos Club's list of members is alone sufficient to illustrate this. The Library of Congress alone, now magnificently housed in an elaborately decorated new building, is a strong magnet. In the same way there is a growing tendency for all who can afford it to spend at least one season in Washington.

"Washington leaped to his feet with the exclamation: "How dare you, Colonel Burr?" Burr's eyes flashed fire at the question, and he retorted, haughtily: "Colonel Burr DARE do anything."

"It will please him more than anything else in the world, Dick." "Yes, yes indeed." Then lifting up his voice the patriot youth cried out loudly, his voice ringing clear as the notes of a bugle: "Down with the king! Long live Liberty! Long live Washington!" The excitement was even greater after that, and instantly the cry was taken up on every hand.

I am told the women drink and smoke quite openly on the verandah." "You may bet your sweet life they do. They are honest, and quite as sure of their position as you are. But tell me about father. How did mother come to marry him? If he was such a naughty person I should think she would have exercised the sound Ballinger instincts and thrown him down." "Mother met him in Washington.

"Maybe it's Washington," suggested the professor. "He generally goes out to see if his chickens are shut up. He is very proud of his flock of hens, and seems to hate to kill any for pot-pie." They all listened. Plainly there was some one or some animal moving about under the windows of the living-room. "That doesn't sound like Washington," said Mr. Roumann.

Lincoln's return to Washington, the following telegram went to the general from Halleck: "I am instructed to telegraph you as follows: The President directs that you cross the Potomac and give battle to the enemy, or drive him south. Your army must move now while the roads are good.

Any of my New York or Boston friends?" "No, I mean a woman, here in Washington. You could perhaps guess her name." The other drew his chair closer. "I presume you mean the lady reputed to have been connected with President Taylor's commission, of inquiry into affairs in Hungary " "Yes, the 'most beautiful woman in Washington to-day. So she is called by some 'the most dangerous, by others."

Till about the time when we went on picket, it had been the occasional habit of the smaller gunboats to make the circuit of Port Royal Island, a practice which was deemed very essential to the safety of our position, but which the Rebels effectually stopped, a few days after our arrival, by destroying the army gunboat George Washington with a single shot from a light battery.