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The man caught sight of Nellie's dress. "I told you I would catch you. It's not such an easy matter to get away from Louis Vorlange. The next time I lock you up oh!" A deep groan escaped the spy. Dick had let fly the jagged stone, taking him directly in the forehead and keeling him over like a tenpin.

"Yellow Elk must have robbed Vorlange of these," mused the great scout, as he rammed the packet in his pocket. In this he was right. Vorlange had dropped the packet by accident and the Indian had failed to restore it, there having been, as the reader knows, no love lost between the two rascals.

If I can read faces, the old man is innocent of wrong-doing, and if that is so and there is the secret of a crime between him and Louis Vorlange you can wager Vorlange is the guilty party." "Pawnee, you hev a head on yer shoulders fit fer a judge, hang me ef ye ain't," burst out Jack Rasco admiringly. "I wish yer would talk to Arbuckle the next time he turns up.

The girl resisted with all of her strength, and Vorlange received a box on the left ear which made that member of his body hum for a long time after. "You little wretch!" he cried, as he caught her up in his arms. "I will get square with you for that." "You are no gentleman! Let me go!" replied Nellie. Then she attempted to scream, but he promptly clapped his hand over her mouth.

When you fire I want you to pick out your man two men or, rather, a man and a boy, if you can do it. I may be on hand to take part myself, but there is a possibility that I may be ordered elsewhere." "And you are willing to pay me five hundred extra for picking out my target, Vorlange?" "You've struck it." "Who is the man?" "Can I trust you?" "Yes." "Pawnee Brown."

Louis Vorlange, you are playing a deep part but you cannot make me swallow your statements about my father." "Do you want me to expose him?" "We'll see about that later. Rasco and I will certainly try to show you up for what you really are." "Very well," blustered Vorlange. "Your father is a murderer, and he shall swing for it unless you keep your mouth shut.

"They go this way cannot be far off." "Then after them," muttered Vorlange. "It was through your stupidity that the girl got away. Yellow Elk, I always put you down for being smarter than that." "Yellow Elk smart enough!" growled the Indian chief. "No, you're not. In some things you are like a block of wood," grumbled Vorlange. The escape of Nellie had put him out a good deal.

"I will," and Louis Vorlange raised his right hand as though to make good such a blasphemous promise. "All right, then; I take you up," answered Tucker. "Don't you take it so hard, my lad; I feel certain that your father will turn up sooner or later." It was Pawnee Brown who spoke. He addressed Dick, who sat on a horse belonging to Jack Rasco.

There is the murderer, and here are the documents to prove it and to prove more that Vorlange is a thief, that he assaulted Mortimer Arbuckle in the dark and left him for dead, and that he is now acting against the best interests of the United States government." As Pawnee Brown ended he pointed at Vorlange, and held aloft the packet he had taken from Yellow Elk.

It was Louis Vorlange! "So they have you safe, I see," began Vorlange, when Rasco sprang at him and knocked him down. "Will you make my niece a prisoner," he cried, wrathfully, for Dick had told him the story. "You dirty spy!" "Hold up," gasped Vorlange, his face growing white. "Rasco, don't be a fool. I I made her a prisoner because I have orders to arrest anybody found roaming around "