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"I believes yer, Dick. Yer father's a gentleman, every inch o' him; I seed thet the fust I clapped eyes on him. But knowin' the truth is one thing an' provin' it is another, especially in the wild west. This air Vorlange may hev yer father in a mighty tight hole, and if you show him up as the thief who stole the deeds an' the money, he may turn on yer dad and squeeze him mightily, see?" "I see.

A moment later they saw Louis Vorlange hurry from the barroom of the hotel, leap upon his own animal, and strike out of town in a westerly direction. "If I had a horse I'd follow him," began Dick, when Rasco motioned the youth to hop up behind. Soon they were riding after Vorlange, but not close enough to allow the spy to imagine that he was being followed.

"Who goes there?" he called out and drew his pistol. "A friend. Tucker, is that you?" "Vorlange!" cried the cavalryman, and the next moment the newcomer and the military man were face to face. "It's about time you showed up," growled Tucker, after a brief pause, during which the newcomer looked at him anxiously. "Say, Vorlange, when do you intend to settle up with me. Give it to me straight, now."

At the mention of the great scout's name Tucker started back. "Why why do you want him knocked over?" "He is my enemy. I have hated him from my boyhood!" cried Louis Vorlange. "And there are other reasons he stands in the way of my pushing the scheme I mentioned." "Pawnee Brown was here but a short while ago. He insulted and abused me," growled Tucker.

"It will be hard to bring such a man to justice, without some direct evidence against him, Rasco." "Don't yer try ter do it yet, lad. Take my advice an' watch him. An' afore yer come down on him yer hed better question yer father about Vorlange." At this Dick winced. "Rasco, my father's manner is against him I know that. But I'm certain he never committed a crime in his life."

Was the heart of that secret to be laid bare at last? "Yes, it's settled, Powell; and as soon as we are done here with the boomers, I'll get to work and find out what the claim is worth." "How about being shadowed in the affair?" "I'm not afraid I'm laying my plans too well," answered Louis Vorlange.