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"I mean that I am here to expose you." Pawnee Brown turned to the others who had come in. "Gentlemen, let me introduce to you Louis Vorlange, alias Captain Mull, once of Creede, Colorado." "Captain Mull!" exclaimed several. "Do you mean the Captain Mull that was wanted for several shady doings, Pawnee?" "The same Captain Mull, gentlemen."

There was nothing to do but to thrash Vorlange, and the day before I left home I gave him a licking that I'll wager he'll remember to the day of his death. As it was, he tried to shoot me, but I collared the pistol, and for that dastardly attack knocked two of his teeth down his throat." "Served him right, Pawnee. But I don't see whar " "Hold on a minute, Jack.

"But for you I would have lived in clover the balance of my life!" Then he fell into a faint from which he recovered presently, to linger for several days in terrible anguish, dying at last in convulsions. With the death of Vorlange we bring our story to a close.

And having thus delivered himself, Yellow Elk sat down by the brook and refused to budge another step. The Indian's objections to continuing the search were more numerous than appeared on the surface. The so-called insult, bad as it was, was merely an excuse to hide other motives. Yellow Elk had known Vorlange for years and as the spy was naturally a mean fellow, the redskin hated him accordingly.

Footsteps outside of the prison interrupted Louis Vorlange. An instant later Pawnee Brown and half a dozen others stepped inside of the apartment. "Pawnee Brown!" cried Dick and Rasco together. "Are you a prisoner, too?" continued the boy. "Hardly," smiled the great scout. Then he noticed Vorlange. "Just the men we are after." "Me?" ejaculated the spy. "Yes, you."

As she did not wish to remain in that damp spot longer, she caught the rope and was drawn up. Then Vorlange took her outside and sat her down before him on his horse, first, however, tying her hands. It was during the ride that followed that Dick heard her cry for help and started to her rescue, only to miss her and get lost in the brush.

This latter statement was a false one, but Vorlange rightfully calculated that it would have its due effect upon the frightened girl. Having thus intimidated Nellie, Vorlange lowered her into the opening in the rocks, which was about six feet in diameter and at least ten feet deep. This done, he lit a lantern and hung it so that its rays might shine down upon his captive.

"Let go of me," cried the frightened girl, and attempted to pull away, but Vorlange held her tight. "You come along with me. No one, and especially Pawnee Brown, has any right in this territory just now, and it is my business to see that all such people are kept out. I presume you belong to that crowd of boomers, since you say you were carried off from Arkansas City?"

"If you go after him you'll get no chance to hunt up your niece," began Dick, when the city was left behind. "That's true, lad." Jack Rasco's face grew troubled. "I don't know wot's best ter do. It ain't fair ter let yer follow Vorlange alone; an' with only one hoss hullo, wot does this mean? Carl Humpendinck, an' wavin' his hand to us like he war crazy."

"I won't argy the p'int!" roared Rasco. "I know you, Vorlange, and so does Dick here. You robbed and nearly murdered thet boy's father!" At these words Vorlange staggered back as though struck a blow. "Who says I I did that?" he faltered. "I say so." "And so do I," put in Dick, boldly. "We'll have a nice story to tell when we are brought out for examination, I'll tell you that."