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Updated: August 29, 2024

In this passage Casanova says, for instance: 'Elle venoit presque tous les jours lui faire une belle visite. This is altered into: 'Cependant chaque jour Therese venait lui faire une visite. Casanova says that some one 'avoit, comme de raison, forme le projet d'allier Dieu avec le diable. This is made to read: 'Qui, comme de raison, avait saintement forme le projet d'allier les interets du ciel aux oeuvres de ce monde. Casanova tells us that Therese would not commit a mortal sin 'pour devenir reine du monde; pour une couronne, corrects the indefatigable Laforgue.

From this antecedent probability he proceeds to the facts. "The Sabbath day which followed the burial was occupied with these thoughts.... Never was the rest of the Sabbath so fruitful." They all, the women especially, thought of him all day long in his bed of spices, watched over by angels; and the assurance grew that the wicked men who had killed him would not have their triumph, that he would not be left to decay, that he would be wafted on high to that Kingdom of the Father of which he had spoken. "Nous le verrons encore; nous entendrons sa voix charmante; c'est en vain qu'ils l'auront tué." And as, with the Jews, a future life implied a resurrection of the body, the shape which their hope took was settled. "Reconnaître que la mort pouvait être victorieuse de Jésus, de celui qui venait de supprimer son empire, c'était le comble de l'absurdité." It is, we suppose, irrelevant to remark that we find not the faintest trace of this sense of absurdity. The disciples, he says, had no choice between hopelessness and "an heroic affirmation"; and he makes the bold surmise that "un homme pénétrant aurait pu annoncer dès le samedi que Jésus revivrait." This may be history, or philosophy, or criticism; what it is not is the inference naturally arising from the only records we have of the time spoken of. But the force of historical imagination dispenses with the necessity of extrinsic support. "La petite société chrétienne, ce jour-l

Mais le tapage devint tellement fort en ce moment, que Fabrice ne put lui répondre. Nous avouerons que notre héros était fort peu héros en ce moment. Toutefois, la peur ne venait chez lui qu'en seconde ligne; il était surtout scandalisé de ce bruit qui lui faisait mal aux oreilles. L'escorte prit le galop; on traversait une grande pièce de terre labourée, située au del

"Aussi que diable venait il faire dans cette galere?" says King of Corpus to Jones of Trinity; and Jones gave a shrug of his shoulders, which were smarting, perhaps; for that uplifted cane of the Colonel's had somehow fallen on the back of every man in the room.

The maire shrugged his shoulders at the disingenuous parenthesis. It was, he knew, useless to protest. For all he knew he might be signing his own death-warrant. He studied the style a little more attentively. "Mon Dieu, what French!" he said to himself; "'était, 'seraient, 'venait'! What moods! What tenses!

'It is presumption to endeavour to rival them even though the heart be torn like that of Philomel. Wherewith he touched his lute, and began to sing from his famous idyll 'Ainsi mon coeur se guermentait De la grande douleur qu'il portait, En ce plaisant lieu solitaire Ou un doux ventelet venait, Si seri qu'on le sentait Lorsque la violette mieux flaire.

All this time Buonaparte was going on with some confidential communication to me of his secret intentions and views; and when it was ended, le seul mot, Arabie, m'avait frappe l'oreille. Alors, je voudrais m'avoir arrache les cheveux," making the motion so to do, "pour pouvoir me rapeller ce qu'il venait de me dire. But I never could recall one single word or idea."

Puis c'est Lord Houghton, qui avait de l'esprit et de la psychologie. Il venait de gagner une livre a un jeune homme de ressources très modestes, au cours d'une partie de whist, et comme il empochait la pièce: "Ah! mon cher enfant," dit-il, "le grand Lord Hertford, que les sots appellent le méchant Lord Hertford, avait accoutumé de dire: Il n'y a pas de plaisir

You remember she made quite a sensation by her singing: 'Et son mari, reveille par le role qu'elle venait de jouer, voulut l'honorer d'une fantaiste, et la prit en gout, comme il eut fait d'une actrice. I was thinking, when she became aware of what she had done, of the degradation of the position in which she had placed herself, how natural it was that she should despise herself, cursing marriage which had brought her to such a pass, and wishing herself dead."

Both, however, agree that it was soon after eight o'clock when the king left the palace. "À quatre heures la reine sortit de la chambre du roi, et vint nous dire qu'elle n'espérait plus rien; que M. Mandat venait d'être assassiné." MADAME DE CAMPAN, ch. xxi. "La Terreur," viii., p. 4. It is clear that this is the opinion formed by M Mortimer Ternaux.

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