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In the first place, how did you come to have anything to do with me?” Welsh, whose sharp wits instantly divined the weak point in the attack, cut in quickly, “Don’t tell him if he doesn’t know already!” But Twiddel’s relapse to virtue was complete. “I was asked to take charge of you while——” He hesitated. “While I was unwell,” smiled Mr Bunker. “Yes?” “I was to travel with you.” “Ah!”

Then, with her bleak face looking unmeaningly out of the window, she continued, in an even and mechanical voice: "I had better state everything that occurred just as it occurred. This morning I was clearing away the breakfast things, my sisters were both somewhat unwell, and had not come down. My brother had just gone out of the room, I believe, to fetch a book.

One day I happened to miss the appointment she had given me for a sitting; I had suddenly become unwell. The next day I hastened to Versailles to offer my excuses. The Queen was not expecting me; she had had her horses harnessed to go out driving, and her carriage was the first thing I saw on entering the palace yard. I nevertheless went upstairs to speak with the chamberlains on duty.

Her love was never selfish; her whole being went out to him whom she loved: his sorrows and joys were hers, she knew no others. At home she thought of every trivial detail which could conduce to his comfort; she helped him in his work with an untiring hand. Ever bright and fresh, if she felt unwell a kiss from him drove away the pain. She was submissive to him, who worshiped her.

You know that the medical men all say that wine and beer are necessary for your health." "I'm sure, mamma, the medical men needn't trouble themselves about my health. I'm always very well when I have plenty of air and exercise. If ever I feel unwell, it is when I've had more wine or beer than usual." "And who, pray, has been putting these foolish notions into your head?

She had felt unwell for some days, but had still gone on with her work, and sought no medical advice or help. At length, as she was going to bed one night, she fainted on the stairs. The stairs were very steep, and the point at which she lost her consciousness was a most dangerous one, and it seemed a miracle that she had not fallen back to the bottom and been killed.

After I had set them to their oars, and given instructions to keep close in-shore, and on no account to get out to sea, I went below, being rather unwell.

'Don't you know whether you are unwell or not, without thinking about it? she persisted. 'Not always, he said coldly. 'But don't you think that's very wicked? 'Wicked? 'Yes. I think it's CRIMINAL to have so little connection with your own body that you don't even know when you are ill. He looked at her darkly. 'Yes, he said. 'Why don't you stay in bed when you are seedy?

They come for other ailments, or because they feel unwell, and are nervous lest it should be the beginning of an attack; but of late I have had very few come here. My patients are mostly of the middle class, and these have either fled or fallen victims to the Plague, or have shut themselves up in their houses like fortresses, and nothing would tempt them to issue abroad.

On the day I met him, by mere chance in the street, he looked sick and miserable; his sallow face was more blotchy than ever. Whether he saw me or not I don't know, but he was certainly making as if to go by when I stopped him. I told him he looked weak and unwell. "Trust you to pass a cheery remark!"