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No sooner he'd drop off 'n he git ter twitchin' an' hitchin' an' wake up a-yelpin' fer Daggett. Long about taps, Buck, who's been out on a private reconnoissance, comes back an' whispers ter me: 'Ssst, Bill! The cur's found! Don't tell Ranch; the bloke'd die of heart failure. I struck his trail an' follered it an' say, Bill, what'n thunder do yer think?

The Indians plainly had no suspicion that the fugitives were so close at hand, and kept steadily onward. Hardly daring to breathe, our three friends saw the long, sharp canoe, with five of their mortal enemies, shoot past, and disappear. "Did you see how my gun kept twitchin' and jumpin'? Why, I had all I could do to hold him.

"Look! look! Massa Nadgel, he's twitchin' all ober. De tiger's comin' to him now." "Looks like it, Moses." "Yes an', see, he grip de 'volver no, too soon, or de tiger's goed away, for he's stopped twichin' dare; de tiger comes agin!" A gasp and clenching of the right hand seemed to warrant this assumption.

He'd fight death off as long as there was breath in the body. The night the turnin' point was to come I set up with Mary. The child'd been moanin' and tossin', and his muscles was twitchin', and the fever jest as high as it could be. But about three o'clock he got quiet and about half-past three I leaned over and counted his breaths.

And it didn't need any jiggly message from the ouija board to tell that something important in the affairs of the Corrugated Trust might happen within the next few minutes. You could almost feel it in the air. Piddie did. You could see that by the nervous way he was twitchin' his lips. Course it was natural the big boss should turn first to me. "Torchy," he growls, "shut that door."

Macy says as they're all four worn into just frazzles with it, an' Judy is got so nervous with it going off sudden when Busby an' she is thinkin' about other things that she begins twitchin' the minute the bell begins ringin' an' they've had to hire a electric battery to soothe her with while Faith an' Maria is racin' for the bell. Mrs.

But 'tis all wan: 'The Lard is King an' sitteth 'tween the cherubims, though the airth's twitchin', same as a crab bein' boiled alive, all the time." Noy looked round him wildly and was about to leave the cottage. Then it struck him that the man's wife and daughter could not be far off.

Lockwood paused outside the door. "Come 'long, Roland." "Yes, sir; right away; just a minute." Roland was lingering unwillingly, detained by Burnham's imperative hand. "What d'you want? I got to hurry." "What was he winking at me for?" demanded Burnham heatedly. "Have you ?" "Oh!" Roland laughed. "He wasn't winking. He can't help doing that. It's a twitchin' he's got in his eye.

Twenty anxious faces at the least, all in a commotion, their tongues going together. "Dan was frothing dreadful, and his legs was twitchin' like one in the epilepsies." "What has caused it?" asked Jan. "I saw him well enough an hour or two ago." "He see a dead man, sir; as it's said. We can't come to the bottom of it, 'cause of his not answering no questions. He be too bad, he be."

"And she, the cursed thing, mad with twitchin' at her cable, lay over to one side. But she was dyin' mad. I tell ye she was dyin' mad. Thar' was them two a hangin' to her thar' hadn't be'n but them.