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"Bad luck!" breathed Murphy; "'tis a rocky road to Dublin, but a shorter wan to hell! Did you want f'r to shoot, Jack? Look at Dave Elerson an' th' thrigger finger av him twitchin' all a-thremble! Wisha, lad! lave the red omadhouns go. Arre you tired o' the hair ye wear, Jack Mount? Come on out o' this, ye crazy divil!"

"Look! look! Massa Nadgel, he's twitchin' all ober. De tiger's comin' to him now." "Looks like it, Moses." "Yes an', see, he grip de 'volver no, too soon, or de tiger's hoed away, for he's stopped twitchin'! dare; de tiger comes agin!" A gasp and clenching of the right hand seemed to warrant this assumption.

Glass drops forward, twitchin' an' 'eavin' horrid natural, into the shotted 'ammick all spread out before him, and the firin' party closes in to guard the remains of the deceased while Sails is stitchin' it up. An' when they lifted that 'ammick it was one wringin' mess of blood! They on'y expended one wardroom cock-bird, too. Did you know poultry bled that extravagant? I never did.

"Magsman," he says, twitchin me by the leg, "Society has gone into me, to the tune of every penny of my property." I felt that I went pale, and though nat'rally a bold speaker, I couldn't hardly say, "Where's Normandy?" "Bolted. With the plate," said Mr. Chops. "And t'other one?" meaning him as formerly wore the bishop's mitre. "Bolted. With the jewels," said Mr. Chops.

It was abaat th' deead hour, and I wakened up sudden-like, for summat towd me all were not reet wi' th' lad. I made thi faither strike a leet, and then I see'd Billy's een were set, and his little mouth twitchin'. Thi faither run off, half dressed as he were, for th' doctor. But it wor no use; Billy were going cowd in my arms when they both geet back.