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Trimble's, and how the fox ran out of the smoke-house. "And now," said Bunny, as his father finished telling what had happened, "now I'm going up to see if we've caught a fox or a ground-hog in my box trap. Come on, Sue." "All right. I'm coming, Bunny, but if it is a fox or a ground-hog, you won't let him bite me; will you?"

"The pharmacy clerk's gone to a dance over at Trimble's, but I guess I can find you some whisky." "Do have some whisky, George," begged Mrs. Moody, remembering her brother-in-law. "I never touch the stuff and you both know it," he snarled. He had a fresh pain just then and stopped, clutching up the bottle. "Besides," he finished, when it was over, "I haven't got any whisky."

"Thar's Ben Trimble's three miles further on, but take my advice an' don't stop thar. Ben says he ain't goin' to be troubled in these war times by visitors, an' he's likely to meet you at the door with his double-barreled shotgun." "I won't knock on Ben's door, so he needn't take down his double-barreled shotgun. What's next beyond Ben's house?" "A half mile further on you come to Hungry Creek.

I'm told off 't watch a gang of crooks, and after I've lost a night's sleep doing it, it turns out 't's a nice, jolly fam'ly party!" She jerked her thumb towards Jimmy. "Say, this guy says he's that guy's son. I s'pose it's all right?" "That is my step-son, James Crocker." Ann uttered a little cry, but it was lost in Miss Trimble's stupendous snort. The detective turned to the window.

The alarm wakened me all right, but to my surprise Kennedy had already gone, ahead of it. I dressed hurriedly, bolted an early breakfast, and made my way to Trimble's. He was not there, and I had about concluded to try the laboratory, when I saw him pulling up in a cab from which he took several packages.

Hays' brigade of Lawton's division, commanded by an inexperienced officer, was caught while "clubbed" during a change of formation, and driven back in disorder; and Trimble's brigade, now reduced to a handful, became involved in the confusion. But a vigorous charge of the second line restored the battle. The Federals were beginning to give way.

As she left her apartment hurriedly she picked up the little instrument and dropped it into her hand-bag. "You see, it's no use," almost chortled Drummond as Constance stepped off the elevator and opened the door to a little room at Trimble's much like that which she had already seen at Stacy's. "A shoplifter becomes habitual after twenty-five. They get to consorting with others of their kind."

Ewell's camp, spread over the rolling hills and lighted by a splendid sunrise, lay imposingly. To the eyes of the men from the Valley the ordered white tents of Trimble's and Taylor's and the Maryland line had an air luxuriously martial. Everything seemed to gleam and shine.

And at that sound the bearded man with the spectacles who had formed part of Miss Trimble's procession uttered a wailing cry. "Gee! He's beat it in my bubble! And it was a hired one!" The words seemed to relieve the tension in the air. One by one the company became masters of themselves once more. Miss Trimble, that masterly woman, was the first to recover.

The Confederate casualties amounted to 288, of which nearly half occurred in Trimble's counterstroke. Ewell's division bivouacked within sight of the enemy's watch-fires, and within hearing of his outposts; and throughout the night the work of removing the wounded, friend and foe alike, went on in the sombre woods. There was work, too, at Port Republic.