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Trimble's mind that it was not the first time one had wept and the other had comforted. The sad scene must have been repeated many times in that long, drear winter. She would see them forever after in her mind as fixed as a picture, and her own tears fell fast.

Cavalry, Colonel Ashby: 7th Virginia. Trimble's Brigade: 21st North Carolina, 21st Georgia, 15th Alabama, 16th Mississippi. Elzey's Brigade and Scott's Brigade: 13th Virginia, 31st Virginia, 25th Virginia, 12th Georgia. Maryland Line: 1st Maryland. Cavalry, General G.H. Steuart: 2nd Virginia, Colonel Munford: 6th Virginia, Colonel Flournoy. Artillery: 6 batteries, 26 guns.

He smiled, waved his hand, spoke a short word to Hairston Breckinridge, and hurried on. He passed the 2d Virginia, mourning its colonel Colonel Allen fallen in the front of the charge. He passed other bivouacs men of Rodes's, of Garland's, of Trimble's. "Where is General Jackson?" "Can't tell you, sir " "Here is General Ewell."

They carefully noted the distance they journeyed, and when they judged they had gone about a mile, stepped into the edge of the river and looked about them. But they saw nothing answering to Ned Trimble's description of the hiding-place of the boat. "Perhaps he was jesting," remarked Elwood. "No; I think he is too kind-hearted for that.

They had driven in the Confederate skirmishers, and had induced Ewell to strengthen this portion of his line from his reserve, when they were recalled by Fremont, alarmed by Trimble's vigorous attack, to defend the main position. The Southerners followed slowly.

At any rate, he has consented to let me come out to-morrow with him and visit her as a specialist in nervous diseases from New York. I had to tell him just enough about the case to get him interested, but that will do no harm. I think I'll set this alarm an hour ahead. I want to get up early to-morrow, and if I shouldn't be here when you wake, you'll find me at Trimble's."

Trimble's sorrel horse was old and stiff, and the wheels were clogged by clay mud. The frost was not yet out of the ground, although the snow was nearly gone, except in a few places on the north side of the woods, or where it had drifted all winter against a length of fence. "There must be a good deal o' snow to the nor'ard of us yet," said weather-wise Mrs. Trimble.

"I've been a rough-rider in a circus " Mrs. Abbott groaned, but Jack Trimble's eyes opened as roundly and wide as his mouth. "Thundering So it was you after all!" "Me?" Jim demanded with ungrammatical haste. "You rough-rider circus!" Jack exclaimed. "Vera said the chap looked like you, but it never occurred to me that it could possibly be!" "So it was Vera, was it?" Jim smiled.

Elzey's Brigade's over beside the woods Virginian to the backbone. Trimble's got a fine lot Georgians and Alabamians and Mississippians. Here come some of the 2d Virginia Cavalry! Ain't they pretty?" They were. But Harris stood up for the absent Valley. "Huh! Ashby's good enough for me! Ashby's got three stallions the white he's fondest of, and a black like a piece of coal, and a red roan "

And he told me, did Trimble, that his share of the treasure was to go to the poor and needy of the town. Orphans and such was Trimble's weakness." A SMALL sloop was making its leisurely way up the Carolina coast with a crew of a dozen men all told.