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"What is it?" asked his father. "We'll hire Eradicate Sampson to stand guard with a bucket of whitewash. He'll keep the boys away." The plan was put into operation, and Eradicate and his mule, Boomerang, were installed on the premises. "Deed an' Ah'll keep dem lads away," promised the colored man. "Ah'll splash white stuff all ober 'em, if dey comes traipsin' around me."

Here you could see everything about makin' matches, and when you consider how hard it would be to go back to the old way of strikin' light with a flint, and traipsin' off to the neighbors to borrow a few coals on a January mornin', you will know how interestin' that exhibit wuz.

"He seemed to know what was comin'," she said. "He give me warnin'." "Warning?" "Yes. He come in an' he says to me, 'You don't want to go traipsin' round in this snow." Raven noted the word and smiled slightly. He and Tenney were at one in their care for her. "'You go up chamber, he says, 'an' have a fire in the air-tight an' turn the key. I dunno, he says, 'what's goin' to happen, this day.

I'm on official business. I'm just traipsin' along to take the census of Squaw Creek." To another, who hailed him with: "Where away, little one? Do you really expect to stake a claim?" Shorty answered: "Me? I'm the discoverer of Squaw Creek. I'm just comin' back from recordin' so as to see no blamed chechako jumps my claim."

"I'm most froze, traipsin' back and forth, I know that much," she muttered. Eugene stood aside with a flourish and a graceful, beckoning wave of his hand. "Won't you come in and warm yourself?" he said, and he smiled in her face as if she and no other were the love of his heart.

"Well," she observed, "I don't want to be unlikely and disobligin'. Far's he's concerned, he'd rather be traipsin' round the country than stay to home, any day; though it's been so long sence he took ME to ride that I don't know's I'd know how to act." "Why, Ketury!" protested her husband. "How you talk! Didn't I drive you down to the graveyard only last Sunday or the Sunday afore?" "Graveyard!

Jacob pushed back his chair another foot or two, and Martin soon followed, mentioning that it was getting hot, but it was well to keep out the damp. "What set the women out to go traipsin' up to Thacher's folks?" inquired Jacob, holding his cider mug with one hand and drumming it with the finger ends of the other.

"What do you want to go gallivantin' to the neighbors for? I never saw anything like the girls nowadays; highty-tighty, flauntin', traipsin', triflin' trollops, ev'ry one of 'em, that's what they are, and Ellen Wilson's one of the triflin'est. You're old enough now to stay to home where you belong and make an effort to earn your board and clothes, which you can't, even if you try."

"Whar you goin', Judy?" she inquired. "You ain't thinkin' about traipsin' out of doors on a night like this, are you?" "Archie promised to take me to the Bible class, an' he hasn't come back," replied Judy, while her face worked convulsively. "I've waited for him since half past seven." "If that don't beat all!" exclaimed Sarah. "Why, it's thunderin' like Jedgment Day. Can't you hear it?"

"Oh, won't it be grand to stand still a minute after all this traipsin' around and around! Mr. Droop," she continued, "do you hear? You'd better be gettin' ready to take hold an' stop the Panchronicon, 'cause we're goin' to break loose in half no time." There was no reply. Nor could any calling or pleading elicit an answer.