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They're a stuck-up lot over there, and they ain't goin' to hump themselves over a chap who comes traipsin' along the road like any tramp, with nary baggage." But Demorest laughingly accepted the risk, and taking his stout stick in one hand, pressed a gold coin into the blacksmith's palm, which was, however, declined with such reddening promptness that Demorest as promptly reddened and apologized.

'N' her traipsin' around at nights 'n' " "I tell you, you don't know Indians!" Luck swung round in the saddle so that he could face Applehead. "You don't know the Sioux, anyway. She wouldn't have made me that peace-sign if she'd been double-crossing me, I tell you. And she wouldn't have sung the Omaha if she was going to throw in with a thief that was trying to lay me wide open to suspicion.

It can't do ye any harm to jest look at it!" Rebecca dropped her hands into her lap and replied, with a hesitating manner: "I'd like to fust rate it must be an awful queer machine! But I don't get much time fer traipsin' 'round now days." "Why can't ye come right along now?" Droop asked, eagerly. "It's dry as a bone underfoot down in the swamp now. The's ben no rain in a long time."

I think my head must have been cut open by striking against a stone, for I don't remember anything more until you poured that water over my face." The girl nodded. "I seen the stone with blood on it right near you; you must have bumped off it an' turned over," she averred. "Anybody who goes traipsin' through old Terwilliger's pasture is apt to meet up with that bull of his."

If a man's goin' where he can't take his womenfolks, I say he'd better stay to home! an' if there's things goin' on there't you don't want me to git hold of, I tell you, Heman Blaisdell, you'd better by half stop shavin' you now, an' take yourself off to bed at seven o'clock! Traipsin' round playin' the fiddle at your age! Ain't I fond o' music?"

It's in easy rifle shot o' both ther cabin an' ther shaft, an' that Biff Farnham is mighty liable ter git another shock when he comes traipsin' up yere fer ter wipe out ther 'Little Yankee. Ol' Bill Hicks ain't bin prospectin' fer thirty years, an' holdin' down claims with a gun, without learnin' somethin' about ther business.

"Ain't she done come back yet, Uncle Boaz?" he inquired. "Naw, suh, dat she ain', en ole miss she ain' gwine git a wink er sleep dis blessed night. Me en Spy we is done been traipsin' roun' atter dat ar low-lifeted Beulah sence befo' de dinner-bell." "When did you miss her first?" asked Peterkin, with concern.

"Nothin', I guess," he said, after a moment. "Only there's so much fool talk runnin' loose I didn't know but you might have heard I was was dead, or somethin'. I ain't." "I can see that, I hope. And if you was I shouldn't be traipsin' ten miles just to look at your remains. Time enough for that at the funeral. Dead! The idea!" "Um well, all right; I ain't dead, yet. Set down, won't ye?"