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When the mail boat was finally gone, Richard Gray, with his wife and Bessie, turned homeward in their dory, which had been brought down in tow of the Maid of the North, and the schooner spread her sails to the breeze and passed to the southward.

Please God, before the sun's over our heads, you shall have her in tow, Walsingham. 'We shall, I trust, said Walsingham. 'Perhaps not we; for I own I wish to fall, said Campbell.

As for him that sent me, I will let his token speak." And I showed the silver button. "Put it in your pocket, sir!" cries he. "Ye need name no names. The deevil's buckie, I ken the button of him! And de'il hae't! Where is he now!" "It's been always my opinion that I would hang in a tow for this family of mine," he cried, "and, dod! I believe the day's come now! Get a ship for him, quot' he!

Shortly after this the boat used by Cary and Smith capsized, emptying its load into the river. The party were "tracking" at the time, Cole being nearly the length of the tow line ahead, tugging on it, while Cary was doing his best to keep the boat off the rocks.

"What is it, Gorman?" asked the lieutenant, standing up in his place. "A steamer, sir," answered Gorman. "I see her; it is the Bronx," added Mr. Pennant. By this time it was broad daylight, and apparently the fog was not as dense as it had been earlier in the morning. The boat with her tow continued on her course, now headed for the gunboat which the officer had made out.

She was so small and so light, that I thought we could easily carry her on deck in anything but very bad weather, and, ordinarily, she would tow very comfortably astern.

Earthenware jars containing it were to be flung by hand or arbalist, and darts and arrows were wrapped with tow soaked in the substance. The Christian fleet was no match for the Saracen in numbers, but Constantine pinned his faith on the new invention. Accordingly, during the fourth year of the siege, 677, he boldly led his fleet to the attack.

But there was a path here ance, though maybe, if we could see it, ye would rather bide where we are His name be praised!" he ejaculated suddenly, "there's ane coming down the crag e'en now!" Then, exalting his voice, he hilloa'd out to the daring adventurer such instructions as his former practice, and the remembrance of local circumstances, suddenly forced upon his mind: "Ye're right! ye're right! that gate that gate! fasten the rope weel round Crummies-horn, that's the muckle black stane cast twa plies round it that's it! now, weize yoursell a wee easel-ward a wee mair yet to that ither stane we ca'd it the Cat's-lug there used to be the root o' an aik tree there that will do! canny now, lad canny now tak tent and tak time Lord bless ye, tak time Vera weel! Now ye maun get to Bessy's apron, that's the muckle braid flat blue stane and then, I think, wi' your help and the tow thegither, I'll win at ye, and then we'll be able to get up the young leddy and Sir Arthur."

Sammy Soapstone had blue eyes and tow hair which stood up straight on his head. It was as stiff as the curry comb with which the Toyman brushed the horses. Sophy Soapstone had blue eyes, too, and two neat little pigtails down her back. But Lizzie Fizzletree had black eyes and hair that stuck out in all directions. She had more safety-pins on her dress than a neat little girl should ever have.

You will find at the back of the cupboard a wooden chest hidden under some rags; in the chest is a little pasteboard box, wound about with tow; open this box and you will find the scale and the feather carefully wrapped in cotton. Take care not to break them; handle them respectfully, and I will tell you what next to do."