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The old man straightened then and with a gesture he motioned young Dave to the foot of the coffin and stooped himself at the head. Past the wagon they went, the crowd giving way before them, and with the dead Tolliver on their shoulders, old Judd and young Dave passed with their followers out of sight. The longest of her life was that day to June.

"Not much in the way of a clue, Sir Henry, a clue to any possible intruder, I mean. If your artistic soul hadn't rebelled against bare steel, which would, of course, have soon rusted in this ammonia-impregnated atmosphere, and led you to put a coat of paint over the metal, there would have been no mark at all, the thing is so slight. I am of the opinion that Tolliver himself caused it.

She had been digging up dirt at the edge of it with a bit of broken stick. Now she looked up at him with the scorn of an experience she felt to be infinitely more extensive than his. "A lot you know about it." "How can he? If you an' Mr. Tolliver don't want him to." "He just will." "But, June, that don't listen reasonable to me. He's got you buffaloed. If you make up yore mind not to have him "

She was a Tolliver and the clan loyalty of a century forbade that was all. As she rose she saw a figure skulking past the edge of the woods. She called Bub in and told him about it, and Rufe stayed at the cabin all night, but June did not see him next morning, and she kept out of his way whenever he came again.

Never, but once, had Hale's name been mentioned in the cabin never, but once, had her father referred to the testimony that she had given against Rufe Tolliver, for the old man put upon Hale the fact that the sheriff had sneaked into his house when he was away and had taken June to Court, and that was the crowning touch of bitterness in his growing hatred for the captain of the guard of whom he had once been so fond.

"What is your name?" asked a deep voice that struck her ears as familiar, and before she answered she swiftly recalled that she had heard that voice speaking when she entered the door. "June Tolliver." "Your age?" "Eighteen." "You live " "In Lonesome Cove." "You are the daughter of " "Judd Tolliver." "Do you know the prisoner?" "He is my foster-uncle."

I shall turn the work over to Tolliver; but I'll be the power behind the movement. The gestures and stage business will be those of Esau, but the word-painting will be that of Jacob." "Well," said I, "I see nothing wrong about your plan; and it may be practicable." "There being nothing wrong about it is no objection from my standpoint," said he.

The next day nine and a half was the quotation, and men began to look at each other and asked questions. "Paper says the crop is larger than the government estimate," said Tolliver, and added, "There'll be no painting this year." He looked toward the Smith School and thought of the five thousand dollars waiting; but he hesitated.

Where June sat as chief witness against Rufe Tolliver John Hale sat as chief witness against the Red Fox. He could not swear it was a cartridge shell that he saw the old man pick up, but it was something that glistened in the sun, and a moment later he had found the shell in the old man's pocket and if it had been fired innocently, why was it there and why was the old man searching for it?

"Right you air, stranger. He tol' me you was a expert." The old man laughed loudly. "An' that's why you come over hyeh." "No, it isn't." "Co'se not," the old fellow laughed again. Hale shifted the talk. "Well, now that you know my name, suppose you tell me what yours is?" "Tolliver Judd Tolliver." Hale started. "Not Devil Judd!" "That's what some evil folks calls me." Again he spoke shortly.