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Updated: August 25, 2024

So well did the Medicine Man concoct his lies so as to work upon the feelings of his people that meanwhile it seemed as though the Englishmen were in for a hot time. Indeed, so great was their wrath that knives were already reflecting the flames, and fingers were nervously twitching about the locks of their guns. And all the time Thunder-maker was dancing about in a frenzy of passion.

Do you think we did not hear you piping to those vile serpents of yours?" The Indian looked puzzled. "My white brothers speak strange words, or it may be that the mind of Thunder-maker still sleeps " "Rot!" interrupted Arnold brusquely. "The Thunder-maker's mind is wide enough awake. What is the use of lying to us?

Then he will understand how it may be that he look not upon the face of the fire. "The Dacotahs foolish. They see white men as spirits that came out of Silver Waters. And Mighty Hand foolish too. He believe that fiery totem speak that fiery totem call water spirits to torture. Foolish redmen! Foolish chief! But Thunder-maker would see his people a great people.

Red Fox had not been instructed by Thunder-maker in the details of the story that he was to tell in order to gain his ends. It had not occurred to him to invent more than that he had been sent to bring the lads. That had seemed sufficient to attain his aims, though he realised that it would not do to say that the white men were captives.

Is this the welcome that my braves give to those whom Mighty Hand has received with a smile with no arms in his hand, no tomahawk at his belt? Back, dogs! and hide your coward faces like frightened papooses in the skirts of the women!" The clamour ceased instantly. The men hung back, and their heads bent with shame, that is, all heads but that of Thunder-maker. His face betokened no shame.

"The dollars of Red Fox stay in pouch, yet ermine robe lie on his shoulders if he do what Thunder-maker say." Still Red Fox made no sign to show interest, and the other went on "At Crane Creek two white papooses live in tent. Red Fox will find them he will go as a friend, and he will say, gentle as the voice of a mother pigeon: 'White boys would find friends who are far away?

To give him his due, he was a man of wonderful resource, and when he saw that the tide was turning against him he was quick to meet the occasion. "My brothers, listen not to the words of Thunder-maker," he said quietly, and with a pretence of sad emotion that he had failed to influence the other Indians to take the right course.

He live long among white men, and he know that totem cannot speak that totem a lie. But Red Fox will do this for his brother Thunder-maker. Thunder-maker would have revenge against the pale-faces in yonder teepee, for they face Medicine Man bravely when he would have had Dacotahs slay them. This will Red Fox do, for he would gladly wear the ermine robe."

The Indian moved, slowly opened his eyes, and looked for a few moments at the speaker, just as a person would who had been suddenly roused from a deep slumber. Then a pleased smile broke over his face. "My white brothers in the tent of Thunder-maker? They are very welcome," he said. But Holden did not respond to the greeting, as he demanded "Does Thunder-maker think that we are fools?

Has he no weapon to protect himself from magic?" But the Medicine Man had his reply ready. "Thunder-maker sleep. When Thunder-maker sleep he have no power against magic." Then he turned to the surrounding Indians with a wild appeal. "Shall it be, brothers, that the great medicine of the Dacotahs die before arrows of the evil spirits?" "Kawin!

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