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Updated: August 10, 2024

I got a haddock for morning, and two ounces of tea, and a loaf, and a bundle of wood," she returned sullenly. After an interval of a couple of minutes he got up, went to the cupboard, and opened it. "There's the haddy right enough," he said. "No great things cost you thrippence, I s'pose.

'Have ye not lost him? sez Vulmea, wipin' the sweat on him; 'Let's ha' done quick! 'Quick ut is, sez Kiss t'rowin' him the kyard; an' ut fell face up on his knee Black Jack! "Thin they all cackled wid laughin'. 'Duty thrippence, sez wan av thim, 'an' damned cheap at that price! But I cud see they all dhrew a little away from Vulmea an' lef' him sittin' playin' wid the kyard.

She helped herself to a brown one, remarking: 'It is such a blessed thing to have a fine appetite, and be able to eat half-a-dozen muffins for tea! Oh! by the way, Allen, I wish you would buy three or four more barrels of pale ale we are nearly out. 'Here ye are, gen-till-men! This fine de-tersive soap on-ly thrippence a tab-let takes stains out of all kinds of things.

Dividin nineteen pound, seven and six, by that, it makes me come to thrippence happenny a pound, 'cording to the laws o' Massachusetts, countin bones and waste. Mutton ain't wuth but tuppence, and there's lots o' fellers here for sech small debts, that they don't come to mor'n a farthin a pound, and ye see I'm gittin dearer, Perez.

You, nought nought nought, type seven, sixty-four, b.c.d., gamma forty-one, female; you 'ave to go to the Metal-beating Company and try that for a day fourpence bonus if ye're satisfactory; and you, nought seven one, type four, seven hundred and nine, g.f.b., pi five and ninety, male; you 'ave to go to the Photographic Company on Eighty-first Way, and learn something or other I don't know thrippence.

They, of course, don't care thrippence about me; it's you they hope to annoy. Then after beating them at their own game of daily little courtesies, we want a fight with them a good stiff fight about something wherein we are dead right, to remind them sharply that we have sand in our craw . I pray every night for such a fight; for they like fighting men.

"Shee, there ya' are, I brought money home. There'sh a thrippence for ye." "Oh, Robert!" said Mother Slessor in dismay as the tears filled her eyes. "Oh, Robert!" Then because she was used to these things, Mother Slessor heaved a sigh and said quietly, "Come and eat supper, Robert." The father staggered over to the table where Mrs.

And they're ill jined thegither, and the win' comes throu like a knife, and maist cuts a body in twa. Ye see the bit hoosie was ance the dyer's dryin' hoose, afore he gaed further doon the watter." "Nae doobt ye're richt, Tibbie. But seein' that I maun lay oot sae muckle, I'll be compelled to pit anither thrippence on to the rent." "Ither thrippence, Robert Bruce!

"First to the right.... Now we're goin' by a big watchmaker's-and-jeweller's.... Now cross t' street.... Now on th' corner over there by t' Sinnemer is w'ere we git our tram." The tram in due course appeared, and we boarded it. "Tha mun pay thrippence only, mind," he warned me when the conductor came round. "It's a rare long ride for thrippence."

"Arrah!" she says; "the divil himself wouldn't plaze ye in clothes." The wall-paper man is not more fortunate. "Look at that for a nate patthern!" he says ecstatically, "that'd paper a bed! Come now, ma'am, wan an' thrippence!" The would-be purchaser silently tests it with a wrinkled finger and thumb, and shakes her head. "Well, I declare to ye now, that's a grand paper.

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