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Ask any man who's been chivied about to all the ends of the earth and back again. He can tell you something about, chance, but I doubt if he swears much by fate. Chance oh Lord, don't I know it! chance takes you up and plays with you, pleases you or teases you, and drops you when she's tired of you. Like some ladies of our acquaintance, and you're none the worse for it, not you!

What woman could love a waterfall better than her husband's success? There are hundreds of waterfalls in the world, but only this one scheme for Tom. But anent this hitch, it teases me a little, I confess, on Kitty's account, when Cecil meanders over to the island at all hours of the day. To be sure, it relieves Kitty of his company; but is she so glad, after all, to be relieved?

See Letter XI. of this volume, Paragr. 5, & ult. I much approve of your resolution to leave this wretch, if you can make it up with your uncle. I hate the man most heartily do I hate him, for his teasing ways. The very reading of your account of them teases me almost as much as they can you. May you have encouragement to fly the foolish wretch!

Well, I questioned little Kitty, and she answered me in this horrid way 'Why, brother, he must know I can't love him; for how can I? But still he teases me to marry him, and I can do that; and why shouldn't I, if he wants me to? Then in a whisper 'You know, brother, it wouldn't be for long; because he is ever so old, and he would soon die; and then I should be a rich young widow, and have my pick and choose out of the best young men in the country side. Such, Hannah, was the evil state of feeling to which that old man's courtship had brought my simple little sister!

She sometimes wonders why he grows paler and thinner each day, and his nervous and sometimes distracted manner teases her dreadfully; but she supposes all lovers act thus, and expects they cannot help it and then little Birdie takes a sly peep in the glass, and does not so much wonder after all.

Your French friend intrudes upon you at all hours; he stuns you with his loquacity; he teases you with impertinent questions about your domestic and private affairs; he attempts to meddle in all your concerns, and forces his advice upon you with the most unwearied importunity; he asks the price of everything you wear, and, so sure as you tell him, undervalues it without hesitation; he affirms it is in a bad taste, ill contrived, ill made; that you have been imposed upon both with respect to the fashion and the price; that the marquis of this, or the countess of that, has one that is perfectly elegant, quite in the bon ton, and yet it cost her little more than you gave for a thing that nobody would wear.

I wouldn't like to have a row with him." "Has he been to the Markovitches much lately?" "Yes almost every evening." "What does he do there?" "Oh, just sits and talks. Markovitch can't bear him. You can see that easily enough. He teases him." "How do you mean?" I asked. "Oh, he laughs at him all the time, at his inventions and that kind of thing. Markovitch gets awfully wild.

They like to make a fuss about themselves. And to make their employer pay a substitute to do their work. They're all like that. It was just the same before I married. Yes, every housemaid I employ. Contracts these swollen kneeses. They only do it to annoy. Because they know it teases." "But what are you going to do about it? Have you got medical advice? Do you think a nurse will be needed?

You may derive thoughts from others; your way of thinking, the mould in which your thoughts are cast, must be your own. Intellect may be imparted, but not each man's intellectual frame. The trumpet does not more stun you by its loudness, than a whisper teases you by its provoking inaudibility.

Bertrand Russell's new symbolism, I say that L^c3nI C^ct = the Almighty, clearly I am not expressing my feeling for infinite and omnipotent goodness. Neither does the child who teases you to look at its charming coloured diagram of the farmyard expect you to share an emotional experience.