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Will you try to speak gently to Tom, to forgive him when he teases you, to give up your own way when your playmates desire something else, and, above all, to pray night and morning with your whole heart?" "Yes, Aunt Faith," whispered Gem, "I will try as hard as I can." "God bless you, my darling," said Aunt Faith, kissing her little niece affectionately. "And now, go to sleep; it is very late."

She had never heard the German proverb, "who loves, teases," and was too inexperienced, as yet, to have discovered the fact for herself. Presently they all sat down to dinner, and after the first solemn quiet, no one venturing to eat or speak until the plates of all had been heaped with a little of everything upon the table, the meal became very genial and pleasant.

"Unless Augustina teases me into something I don't want." Polly inquired if it would be in church. "In a Catholic church," said Laura with a shrug. "No flowers no music. They just let you be married that's all." Polly's-eyes jumped with amazement. "Why, I thowt they had everything so grand!" "Not if you will go and marry a heretic like me," said Laura. "Then they make you know your place."

"There!" shouted Ben, throwing down the hammer. "You've told it, Joe, just the same as I knew you would. Ha, ha!" "Don't, Ben," begged Polly, "it teases Joel. Well, we don't know what kind of a circus you are going to have, Joey," she said kindly, "so we'll be just as much surprised when we see it."

The "beats" got a rest for a season while I transferred my attention to the boarding-house. My wife teases me yet with those mighty onslaughts on the new enemy. Having clearly made him out by the light of our evening lamp, I went for him with might and main, determined to leave no boarding-house through the length and breadth of the land, or at least of South Brooklyn.

And that red-haired burly sage, he who used to bake the bran muffins in the little lunchroom near by, and who lent us his Robby Burns one night what has become of him? So she teases us, so she allures.

And, of course, when there was anything very exciting happening in the town, nobody had time to trudge up the hill to Tell's chalet. They all wanted to be in the town enjoying the fun. What had happened now was this. He was one of those persons who "only do it to annoy, Because they know it teases." What he liked chiefly was to forbid something.

He's raging about, trying to find something that he can believe in, and Uncle Alexei knows that and plays on that.... He teases him; he drives him wild and then makes him happy again. He can do anything with him he pleases. He always could. But now he has some plan. I used to think that he simply laughed at people because it amused him to see how weak they can be. But now there's more than that.

He does not care at all for any of the other women. The Marechal de Villeroi teases the young King sometimes about not speaking to me enough, and sometimes about not walking with me. This afflicts the poor child and makes him cry. His figure is neat, but he will speak only to persons he is accustomed to.

"You don't understand Sophia?" Crystal's tone expressed surprise. "You mean her jewels and her footmen? Why, Ben, it's just like the fathers of this country who talked about all men being equal and yet were themselves slaveholders. She sincerely believes those things in a way, and then it's such a splendid role to play, and she enjoys that; and then it teases Freddie Dawson.