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"Then the union hires the lawyers to defend us, though that ain't much good now, for the judges are pretty hostyle, an' the papers keep hammerin' away at them to give stiffer an' stiffer sentences. Just the same, before this strike's over there'll be a whole lot of guys a-wishin' they'd never gone scabbin'."

Mamie Brady looked at Flynn, when he came up to her, with a gentle, wheedling smile. There was no one near, and she fancied that he might steal a kiss. But instead he looked at her, frowning. "No use you tying away any longer, Mamie," he said. "The strike's on." That was one of the strangest days which Ellen had ever passed. The enforced idleness gave her an indefinite sense of guilt.

"Thought it deserved some celebratin'," Clark added. Adelle's heart beat a little faster. If he only knew the whole truth! then there would be something to celebrate, indeed! "The strike's off," the mason remarked soon, as if he were anxious to get away from his own misdeeds. "Is it?" "Yep!

RENCH. We'd have agreed to put it off. When a young man like that is near dying for his country why anything can wait. But what we're asking is only right. ASHER. Well, right or not right, I sent for you to say, so far as I'm concerned, the strike's over. RENCH. You'll you'll recognize the union? RENCH. We appreciate it, Mr. Pindar. This'll make a lot of families happy tonight.

"Then, as the delegation murmured angrily, he held up his hand and, in the ensuing silence, said: ""Boys, the strike's over. Mr. Heegan has arbitrated."" Bailey smoked morosely as he scanned the dusty trail leading down across the "bottom" and away over the dry grey prairie toward the hazy mountains in the west.

"What d'ye mean by helloing me?" "I'm glad to meet you." "Same to you." "I've come back from the country, Joe." "So I see." "Do you?" "Haven't I eyes?" "Well," she said, flushed, bending forward, "Joe Blaine, where have your eyes been these five weeks?" "They were on strike!" he said, promptly. "Well," she said, "the strike's over!"

He says he's a Norwegian. His second point is that all bad feeling between nationalities ought to be stopped if the strike's to be won. He says he's seen fights already between Irish and Eyetalians." Up leaped an enormous negro docker who sounded as though he preached often on Sundays. "Yes, brothers," he boomed, "let us stop our fights. Let us desist let us refrain.

When he took his hat off, Saxon was frightened by a lump on his head the size of an apple. "D'ye know who did that? That Dutch slob Hermanmann, with a riot club. An' I'll get'm for it some day, good an' plenty. An' there's another fellow I got staked out that'll be my meat when this strike's over an' things is settled down. Blanchard's his name, Roy Blanchard."

I'll leave it to him whether you don't know more about life than I do about the life and problems of the great mass of people in this country. And now that the strike's over MINNIE. The strike's over! GEORGE. Yes. I've chosen my life. It isn't going to be divided between a Wall Street office and Newport and Palm Beach. A girl out of a finishing school wouldn't be of any use to me.

He turned round and caught her hand. 'But yo' know, she's lying dead at home and I'm welly dazed wi' sorrow, and at times I hardly know what I'm saying. It's as if speeches folk ha' made clever and smart things as I've thought at the time come up now my heart's welly brossen. Th' strike's failed as well; dun yo' know that, miss?