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Updated: August 17, 2024

Dere's 'spicious folks round, like de doctor, and when dey hear you git catch like a rat in a trap, dey is likely to say, 'Ah, dat is dat old niggur Primus's work, and so I lose my good character. De innocent man must be like de weasel dat is nebber catch asleep."

A tall darkey, who had listened to the conversation, broke in with, "Now, uncle, ye knows dat if dis gemmum is from de norf he is one of wees, and ye must du fur him jis dis time." But "Uncle Overseer" kept repeating, "Some niggers here is mity spicious. Du not no who white man is anyhow." "Well, uncle," replied the tall black, "ef dis man is a Yankeemans, Ise will see him froo."

At the time of the Persimmon's remarks about the raft two of Peter's callers, Jim Pink Staggs and Parson Ranson, took the roustabout to task. Jim Pink based his objection on the grounds of glutting the labor market. "Ef us niggers keeps turnin' too many raf's loose fuh de prize-money," he warned, "somebody's goin' to git 'spicious, an' you'll ruin a good thing."

"See yah, Mas'r Tom and chil'n all," said Solomon, at last. "Ise gwine to pose dat we all go an tend to sometin ob de fust portance. Hyah's Mas'r Tom habn't had notin to eat more'n a mont; an hyah's de res ob de blubbed breddern ob de Bee see double what been a fastin since dey riz at free clock dis shinin and spicious morn.

She was like de ole mass'r, mighty haughty an' despit-like, when she angry. I wasn't in de lof' none too soon, fer Missy Roberta was 'spicious and uneasy-like, an' she come to de head ob de gerret starway an' call my name. At fust I ain't sayin' suffin', an' she call louder. Den I say, 'Dat you, Missy Roberta? Den she seem to tink dat I was all right.

And didn't his nose touch me own?" "Did he look pale and excited?" asked the coroner. "No, yer Honor; his face was red as a brick, an', though it was a cowld night, he looked to be warm wid fasht walkin'." "Did he say anythin'?" "No; he only axed for a light." "Was his 'pearance 'spicious?" "No, yer Honor, more'n yer own. No offince to yez." "That'll do, Mr. O'Dougherty. Next witness."

The old negro overseer of the plantation hinted to me that his "hands were berry spicious of ebbry stranger," and advised me to row to some other locality. I told him I was from the north, and would not hurt even one of the fleas which in multitudes infested his negroes' quarters; but the old fellow shook his head, and would not be responsible for me if I staid there all night.

Pet wasn't in the habit of humming tunes; and, the servant thought that rather 'spicious. So do I not of any wrong, mind you. I wouldn't believe that till it was proved. But, to make a long story short, here is the note that poor Pet left on my dressin' table. Read it. I I haven't got my spectacles." The truth was, that Mrs.

Sniffing danger, Bedney warily resolved to decline all overtures, by taking refuge in his decrepitude; but the attorney's steady prolonged gaze disconcerted him. "You have no interest, then, in discovering the wretch who murdered your master? That is rather suspicious." "What ain't 'spicious to you, Mars Lennox? It comes as natchal to you to 'spicion folks, as to eat or sleep, and it's your trade.

"If I asked that chap who brings the water to let me see the helephants he would see through me, so I won't do it make him 'spicious; and he wouldn't understand me if I did. His is an awful foolish lingo. Might perhaps get outside the door or window some night and have a look for them in the dark. Ah, there's no knowing what I might do when he gets better."

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