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And didn't his nose touch me own?" "Did he look pale and excited?" asked the coroner. "No, yer Honor; his face was red as a brick, an', though it was a cowld night, he looked to be warm wid fasht walkin'." "Did he say anythin'?" "No; he only axed for a light." "Was his 'pearance 'spicious?" "No, yer Honor, more'n yer own. No offince to yez." "That'll do, Mr. O'Dougherty. Next witness."

"Not sho fasht not sho fasht!" cried Abraham, struggling with Thames, and detaining him; "if you go, you musht take me along vid you." "Save yourself, Jack!" shouted Thames, sinking beneath the superior weight and strength of his opponent; "leave me to my fate!" "Never," replied Jack, hurrying towards him. And, snatching the spike from Thames, he struck the janizary a severe blow on the head.

On the other hand, should they leave a bundle at the door, it shows that they intend to divide its contents between two parties. With these particulars the interpreter's experience rendered him perfectly well acquainted, but he "cau'd na be fasht." It is customary when the Indians arrive, to present each with a pipe, a plug of tobacco, and, though last, not least in their estimation, "a dram."

I think you want to look out for Pepper so that nothing more happens to him to-night." "Good night, Judge," responded the boys, Jack adding as they went out, "I won't leave him out of sight until I have him safe in the house." "Row, brothers, row," said Gerald "Kape it up, you're doin' fine." "How are we going?" asked Rand. "Almost as fasht as Oi c'ud walk," replied Gerald in his richest brogue.

"An ye please, sir, I'm no easy in my mind about me Laird; Vincent," said the turnkey. "Why, what ails me laird?" "Why, sir, he is joost like ane distraught!" "On, aye, it will be the confession o' the malefactor, Frisbie, that has fasht him; as weel it may!" "He's war nor fasht; he looks joost likely to do himsel' a mischief," said Christie, shaking his head.