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He had a real friendly look in his eyes whenever they met mine; and I tell you, Peggy, I could have blubbed like a kid when I thought of it later, after I knew what the verdict was. "Once I saw him cross glances with Vandyke, and if you won't think I'm getting sentimental on top of all the rest, I'll tell you I thought March's look was like a sword.

"Call in for it, then, before afternoon school, and you can pay me back as you say. I suppose the sharks have got hold of you." "Yes," said Jack, with perfect truth, though he only knew of one, and he went to bed that night blessing Acton. His gorge rose when he thought of his fleecing, and at this he almost blubbed with rage as he blubbed with gratitude to Acton.

He ought to have taken his beating quietly. Even if he had "blubbed" they might afterwards have taken him to their bosoms in understanding and inarticulate sympathy. As it was, he was a devil a foreign devil, outside the caste for ever. Only the small red-haired boy, waiting cautiously till everyone else was out of sight, came after him as he trailed forlornly down the street.

Then I blubbed, too, and Stalky confessed that he'd been a thief in regular practice for six years, ever since he came to the school; and that I'd taught him a la Fagin. Mason turned white with joy. He thought he had us on toast." "Gorgeous! Gorgeous!" said Dick Four. "We never heard of this." "'Course not. Mason kept it jolly quiet. He wrote down all our statements on impot-paper.

"You've never been bullied, either. Where were you before you came here?" "I I had a tutor." "Yah! You would. You never blubbed in your life. But you're blubbin' now, by gum. Aren't you blubbin'?" "Can't you see, you blind beast?" Sefton fell over sideways, tear-tracks furrowing the dried lather. Crack came the cricket-stump on the curved latter-end of him.

There was a bye-election in the East End the other day and one of the candidates put his unfortunate infants into 'pearlies' and hawked them about the constituency in a costermonger's barrow, carrying a notice with 'Vote for Our Daddy! on it. Dilton damned near blubbed when he told me about it!" "Rage?" said Henry. "Rage!" Gilbert exclaimed. "Good Lord, no!

"See yah, Mas'r Tom and chil'n all," said Solomon, at last. "Ise gwine to pose dat we all go an tend to sometin ob de fust portance. Hyah's Mas'r Tom habn't had notin to eat more'n a mont; an hyah's de res ob de blubbed breddern ob de Bee see double what been a fastin since dey riz at free clock dis shinin and spicious morn.

"I'll get up very early to-morrow morning," said Mary, as she prepared to leave them, "and perhaps mother'll let me drive to Whitcombe with you to see you off!" "No," Ninian objected, "we don't want you blubbing all over the platform!..." "I shan't blub, Ninian. I never blub!..." "Yes, you do. You always blub. You blubbed the last time and made me feel an awful ass!" he persisted.

You would have blubbed if you'd seen them flopping about in the bottom of the boat and looking so nice, and they were nice to eat. I love mackerel, don't you? Mother sends her love. Do write soon. I love getting letters and you write such nice ones. Your affectionate friend, Mary Graham. P.S. Love. Mary always signed herself his affectionate friend.

The infamy of the Coward spread abroad, was talked of in other Houses, and fellows made special excursions to see the cry-baby, who funked a dead snake, a blooming bottled, potted, dead snake, and who had blubbed aloud in his terror. "That's him, Harberth, by the window, reading a penny blood," said the Haddock, and went and stood afar off to see the fun.