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The songs were of about equal length, and as far as theme was concerned were not a little alike; but the fox sparrow's tone was both louder and more mellow than the other's, while his notes were longer, more sustained, and his voice was "carried" from one pitch to another. On the whole, I had no hesitation about giving him the palm; but I am bound to say that his rival was a worthy competitor.

Be careful that he is some one who doesn't know you. Tell him he will be well paid and give him this to begin with." She thrust a banknote into the Sparrow's hand. "You're sure to find one at some all-night cabaret around here. And remember, when you go home afterward, not a word to your mother! And not a word to-morrow, or ever-to any one!

A Sparrow's wings are just as much like a mouse's fore legs, as a Sparrow's feathers are like a mouse's fur." "How funny!" said Dodo. "But how are a bird's wings like fore legs, when they haven't got any paws or toes or fingers or claws only just long feathers?"

Two of them, a little in advance of the others, were standing with their guns in their hands, as cold and as hard frozen as a monument of marble standing sentinel with loaded guns in their frozen hands! The tale is told. Were they true men? Does He who noteth the sparrow's fall, and numbers the hairs of our heads, have any interest in one like ourselves? Yes; He doeth all things well.

One of these belonged to Singing Peter. "Glad to see you, Peter," said Jim Frost as the former leaped on the Sparrow's deck. "Same to you, lad. I wish you a pleasant spell ashore, and may the Master be with you," returned Peter.

Then, mounting to the driver's place, he turned the car and drove as rapidly as he dared back over the roads to Salon. Time after time, he wondered whether he had been misled; whether, after all, the man who had driven him was actually acting under The Sparrow's orders. If so, then he had committed a fatal error! However, the die was cast.

Dale took his son's hand in his, took Billy with him into the granary, the hay loft, or across the fields, cut bits of willow and showed how to make a whistle, took a hedge sparrow's nest and blew the eggs; and the boy was proud and happy in such noble society, but he could not exorcise the evil spell for his grand companion. Nor could Rachel give freedom.

"Alas! alas! my bonnie birdie! Thy faithful mate flits round to guard thee. Connubial love! a pattern worthy The pious priest! What savage heart could be sae hardy As wound thy breast? "Ah me! it was nae fau't o' mine; It gars me greet to see thee pine. It may be serves His great design Who governs all; Omniscience tents wi' eyes divine The Sparrow's fall!

"You dirty skates!" he whispered. "You were going to bump me off, were you? You planted me cold, did you? Oh, hell!" His laugh, like the laugh of one insane, jangling, discordant, rang through the room. "Well, it's my turn now, and" his body was coiling itself in a slow, curious, almost snake-like fashion "and you'll " Rhoda Gray laid her hand on the Sparrow's arm.

Theoretically the Judge's God noted "even the sparrow's fall," and in all of his public religious exercises, the Judge stated that fact with clearness and force. Making practical application of his favorite text the Judge never killed sparrows.