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Updated: August 29, 2024

Leastways, everything p'ints to a sort o' skeary fancy bein' mixed up with it, not a thing to laugh at, I can tell you, but as earnest as sin, for I've seen the likes, and maybe easy to make straight if you could only look into it yourself; but you think there's no chance o' that?" "No," said Gilbert. "I've tried once too often, already; I shall not try again."

But the worst of it is, and that's what makes her so wild and skeary, her father, Abel Doe, turned Injun himself, like Girty, Elliot, and the rest of them refugee scoundrels you've h'ard of.

“Whist! whistsaid Natty, in a low voice, on hearing a slight sound made by Elizabeth in bending over the side of the canoe in curiosity; “‘tis a skeary animal, and it’s a far stroke for a spear. My handle is hut fourteen foot, and the creator’ lies a good eighteen from the top of the water: but I’ll try him, for he's a ten pounder

Tom only staid at home long enough to mend the broken window, and plant a small spot of Indian corn, and then again set out, telling Susan not to expect him home in less than a month. "If that squaw comes this way agin," he said, "as may be she will, just put out any victuals you've a-got for the poor crittur; though may be she wont come, for they Injins be onkimmon skeary."

The men looked at each other in surprise. "You'll not object to some o' us ridin' before, an' some behind ye!" said the second speaker, "jist by way o' preventin' yer hosses from runnin' away; they looks a little skeary." "By no means," answered Ned, "lead on; but keep off the edge of the track till I call a halt." "Why so, stranger?" "Never mind, but do as I bid you."

If a body could discover a bit of ocean, or a largish sort of a sea, there might be some use in it. Whales are getting to be skeary, and are mostly driven off their old grounds; and as for the seals, you must bury yourself, craft and all, up to the truck in ice, to get a smile from one of their good-lookin' count'nances, as I always say."

Nowadays the law has stepped in, and the employment of such mere children in the mines is forbidden, but at that time it had not been changed, and if a boy was big enough to shut a door he was big enough to go into a mine. "Dost feel skeary, Jack?" Harry asked. "Noa," Jack said; "what be there to be skeary aboot?

Let it get dark with the night an' no moon in the skies, an' the Lance could take you-all into his medicine lodge, an' you'd hear the sperits flappin' their pinions like some one flappin' a blanket, an' thar'd be whisperin's an' goin's on outside the lodge an' in, while fire-eyes would show an' burn an' glower up in the peak of the teepee; an' all plenty skeary an' mystifiyin'. Besides these yere accomplishments the Lance is one of them mesmerism sports who can set anamiles to dreamin'. He could call a coyote or a fox, or even so fitful an' nervous a prop'sition as a antelope; an' little by little, snuffin' an' snortin', or if it's a coyote, whinin', them beasts would approach the Lance ontil they're that clost he'd tickle their heads with his fingers while they stands shiverin' an' sweatin' with apprehensions.

"It's fright nothing more, I do assure you, and, God be praised! no one, I find, has been harmed by the accident." "This is extr'ornary!" exclaimed the unsuspecting and simple minded hunter "I thought, Judith, you'd been above settlement weaknesses, and that you was a gal not to be frightened by the sound of a bursting we'pon No I didn't think you so skeary!

Hope you slept better than I did, for ’pears like I couldn’t get asleep nohow, till toward mornin’ and then I was mighty skeary about wakin’ up, for fear I should find it all moonshine, and no Bill here after all." After a moment’s pause, he added, "Whar’s t’other chap? If he don’t come down directly, the hen’ll spile, for Judy’s had it ready better than half an hour."

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