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"Are the critturs getting to be wild and skeary?" "Not more so than the day we began upon them. I have taken the greatest care to send none but my most experienced hands out to kill and skin, and their orders have been rigid to give as little alarm as possible. If you wish to fill up, I would advise you to take the same precautions, for the heel of the season is beginning to show itself."

I've been in this business now some five-and-twenty years, and never before have I met with so safe a harbour for a craft, and so large herds that have not been stirred up and got to be skeary." "We have certainly been very fortunate thus far, Stephen, and I am now in hopes we may fill up and be off in good season to get clear of the ice," returned Roswell.

"And you ought to have known better than to chuck all my tools overboard for 'im, like a skeary greenhorn," retorted the morose carpenter. "Well he's gone after 'em now," he added in an unforgiving tone. "On the China Station, I remember once, the Admiral he says to me..." began the sailmaker. A week afterwards the Narcissus entered the chops of the Channel.

She doesn't look like a skeary thing, at all. Leave it to me, then, Eau-douce, and I will manage the affair alone." "Not you, Pathfinder; you would only drown both. If the canoe goes over, I must go in it." "Well, have it so, then: shall we smoke the pipe of agreement on the bargain?"

The captain has known me now long enough to understand my natur', I should think; so no more need be said about that." "Well, sir give me the reason and see that it is given to me without reserve." "Yes, sir; the captain shall have it. He knows we scrambled out of our houses this afternoon a little onthinkingly, Injin alarms being skeary matters. It was an awful hurrying time!

"Yes, sir, that's sometimes skeary work, too; though I don't think so much of a whale as I do of a sea-elephant, or of a sea-lion. 'Let me know my shipmates, say I, 'on a sealin' expedition." "Captain Gar'ner," said the deacon, who necessarily overheard this discourse, "you ought to know at once whether this man is to go in the schooner or not.

'Now, said Tom, this won't do, no how; and so he let fly at the mounted feller; but being a little skeary, as how could he help it, the young brute, being the first time he ever banged at an Injun, he hit the horse, which dropped down in a flurry; and away comes the red devil over his head, like a rocket, end on to a sapling.

Why, what ails the child? You look as skeary as if you’d seed more painters. I wish there were more to be found! they’d count up faster than the beaver. But where’s the good child with a bad father? Did she forget her promise to the old man“The hill! the hillshrieked Louisa; “she seeks you on the hill with the powderNatty recoiled several feet at this unexpected intelligence.

Then they spurred across the rough boggy land, farther away than the shaft was. Here the ground lay jagged and shaggy, wrought up with high tufts of reed, or scragged with stunted brushwood. It is not to be marvelled at that amid such place as this, for the first time visited, the horses were a little skeary; and their riders partook of the feeling, as all good riders do.

He has just grafted your own idea on my communication, and has got himself into a category that a book itself would not reason him out of, until his fright is passed. Logic is thrown away on all 'skeary animals, said old Joe Bunk. Hearkee, Leach, I've a mind to set the rascal adrift, condemning the gun and the knife for the benefit of the captors.