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Carpenter, vot it vould mean if you had a tousand dollars every week. You could feed all de babies of de strikers. I vouldn't care vot you did you could feed my own strikers, ven I git some at Eternal City. A tousand dollars a veek is an awful pile o' money to have!" "I know that, my friend." "And vot's more, I pay you five tousand cash on de signin' of de contract.

Peet was too old and too characteristic to be suddenly transplanted from her native soil. "'T wa'n't mine, the place wa'n't." Her pleasant face hardened slightly. "He was coaxed an' over-persuaded into signin' off before he was taken away.

He had a cuss with him that was no better'n him; an' when it come to the time in the signin' that our names was put down, an' my wife was to be 'examined privately and apart' ez is right an' lawful ez to whether I'd made her sign or not, this other cuss steps with her into the hall, an' Dickert turns an' says to me, 'You git a thousand dollars each fer your land you an' that woman, he says.

If yo' sign thus doin' right by Red Morton, whom yo' wronged I'll do what I can to save yo' from the rope, but I can't promise that yo'll escape it. Are yo' signin'?" Gentleman John moistened his lips feverishly, and his hand trembled as he reached for the pen. "I'll sign," he groaned. When he had scratched his signature, Kid Wolf took the paper, folded it carefully and put it in his pocket.

Seems he'd been spendin' his life cornerin' copper out West and then copperin' the corners in Wall Street. The folks in his State couldn't put him in jail, so they sent him to Congress. Now, as the Honorable Atkinson Holway, he'd come back to the Cape to rest his wrist, which had writer's cramp from signin' stock certificates, and to ease his eyes with a sight of the dear old home of his boyhood.

"All right then," said David cheerfully, ignoring her lethal suggestion, "but before we git down to bus'nis an' signin' papers, an' in order to set myself in as fair a light 's I can in the matter, I want to tell ye a little story." "I hain't no objection 's I know of," acquiesced the widow graciously.

I'm an old woman now, and why should I commit such a sin in my declining years?" "Sin! what sin would ye commit in simply signin' that paper?" Farrington demanded. Mrs. Burchill did not reply at once, but placing her hand upon a Bible lying by her side she reverently opened it. "Listen to these words," she said. "They are not mine, remember, but the Lord's.

I aint got much use for a Nigger wid a little education. I went to school twict. De firs' teacher I had, dey come an' carried to de pen for signin' his old Marster's name. De nex' teacher, dey put in jail for stealin'. So I jus' 'cided twas jus' better for me not to know how to read'n write, less'n I might git in some kinda trouble, too.

There's a man comin' to buy the farm I guess he would have been out today, only for the storm. We have the bargain made all but the signin' up." Mrs. Paine stood still in the middle of the floor, and listened in terror. "A man coming to buy the farm!" Every trace of color left her face! Maybe it was not true. He saw the terror in her face, and followed up his advantage.

Pathrick in Jerooslem beyant; the Pope's signin' his mittimus to Ireland, to bless it in regard that neither corn, nor barley, nor phaties will grow on the land in consequence of a set of varmints called Black-dugs that ates it up; an' there's not a glass o' whiskey to be had in Ireland for love or money, says Lucifer.