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Let 'em let 'em run their teams down scourin' around after bones I'll be here to pick up the remains of 'em all. I was here first, I've stuck through the rushes of them fellers that's come into this country and dried up, and I'll be here when this crowd of 'em dries up.

They'll be scourin' all round for you long before sun-up, so I must putt you where you'll be able to look on an' grin at them." "Where will that be?" asked Leather, with some curiosity. "You know the cliff about five hundred feet high that rises just over on the other side o' the valley where the water-shoot comes down?" "Ay, it's likely I do, for I've seen it every mornin' for months past."

The' wasn't much scourin' to be done, how-ever, 'cause we found Bill Andrews on the next ranch, an' they was ready to swear 'at he hadn't left it all night. The' wasn't no one else that any one felt like suspectin'. Jabez wasn't the man to weep over upsettin' a can o' condensed, an' purty soon the theft was forgot an' everything was runnin' along as smooth as forty quarts o' joint-oil.

Noll overheard one old fish-wife say, "We ben't slick 'nough for new housen; ther'll hev to be great scrubbin' an' scourin' that day, eh, Janet?" to her slatternly daughter-in-law; and the boy mentally prayed that this opinion would gain ground among all the fish-folk.

An' no more'n what he desarved, that's certain." "But that ban't all, even. Maister Jan Grimbal's missing! He rode off last night, Laard knaws wheer, an' never a sign of un seed since. They've sent to the station 'bout it a'ready; an' they 'm scourin' the airth for un. An' 't was Maister Blanchard as fought wi' Bonus, for Sam said so." "Guy Fawkes an' angels! Here, you mix this.

"Ginger pop! but mebee I ain't glad we didn't show any hurry to kick off this camouflage green stuff, thinkin' it'd served its purpose okay and could be knocked into the discard. See how they keep dodging' in an' out like they might be scourin' every foot o' shore line, little bays back o' these mangrove islands an' all.

We wuz workin' jest as hard as wimmen ever worked and all of the wimmen who wuzn't engaged in scourin' and moppin' wuz a-settin' round in the pews a-workin' hard on articles for the fair when all of a suddin the outside door opened and in come Josiah Allen with 3 of the other men bretheren.

"You must know, John Adams," said Jack Brace, with a look and a clearing of the throat that raised great expectations in the breasts of the listeners, "you must know that for a long while before the battle Lord Nelson had bin scourin' the seas, far and near, in search o' the French and Spanish fleets, but do what he would, he could never fall in with 'em.

Well, we made a regular drag-net on the return trip, scourin' the bushes for twenty feet on either side, but no tank turns up. "Looks like we were stranded," says I, as we fetches up at the roadster once more. Miss Ann McLeod, though, ain't one to give up easy. Besides, she's had all that efficiency trainin'.

She swore she had driv her sister desperate by her conduct in the past an' that 'er body would be found as stiff as a bar o' iron in the woods some'rs whar she wus tryin' to keep warm. So the long an' short of it wus that me 'n' my hoss had to start out." "And you have found her?" asked the young man, now thoroughly concerned. "You bet I did, after scourin' the entire face of creation.