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"Precisely," says the major, moppin' a few pearly beads off his shiny dome. "And when a regular army captain makes up his mind that a thing can't be done well, it's hopeless, that's all. In this instance, however, I fear he's right, worse luck!" "Anyway," suggests Mr. Ellins, "he has made you think that the thing is impossible, eh?" "Think!" growls the major, glancin' suspicious at Old Hickory.

Ethelyn looked ridickerlous, showing her shoulderblades, with that sharp point running down her back, and her skirts moppin' the floor for half a yard behind." Any superfluity of length in Ethelyn's skirts was more than counterbalanced by Mrs. Markham's, who this night wore the heavy black silk which her sister-in-law had matched in Boston ten years before.

"Say," Old Man Penny said, "what you goin' ahead for? You jest agreed not to." "There wasn't nothin' said about moppin'," grinned Scattergood, "and there wasn't nothin' said about hardware and harness and farm implements, neither. If you don't b'lieve me, jest read the agreement.

His pale old face was like a fine bit of carving in the dusk. "What you think?" asked Moppin, almost tenderly. "I thing you better come wis me. You too hold a man to go like so alone." "I'll have to think about it first; let you know in the morning." A Rush of wheels and a spatter of hoofs coming up the drive sent Mrs. Dunlop to the sitting-room window.

You'd see 'em on the corners and in the post office and camped on the meetin'-house steps, arguin' and jawin'. Dan and Gaius was hurryin' around, moppin' their foreheads and lookin' worried. On Thursday there was all sorts of rumors afloat. Finally they all simmered down to one, and that one was what made me stop Stingy Gabe on the street and ask for my bearin's. "'Mr.

And I believe I could convince every man if I could git to 'em and talk it over with 'em. And I don't see where the beauty on't would come in; of course a woman couldn't change her clothes and put on Greek drapery right in the midst of cleanin' the buttery shelves or moppin' off the back steps.

"That's the main thing," added Tom Betts, who was rather particular about how his khaki suit looked on him, for Tom was a bit of a "dresser," as some of the others, less careful with regard to their looks, called it. "I've noticed that it's grown pretty close and muggy," Paul went on. "I should say it had," added Bobolink. "I kept moppin' my face most of the way up the rise.

It's sech a shore thing, concloodes Peets, 'that, after all, since you're merely out for safety, I'd get him in the wing, an' let it go at that. Once his arm is gone, it won't be no trouble to reason with Huggins. "'Don't talk to me about no arms, retorts the Colonel, still moppin' his feachers plenty desperate.

"There's too much moppin' an' dustin'. Seems 's if a woman used up half her life on things that don't amount to anything, don't it?" "I tell yeh that feller's a scallywag. I know it buh the way 'e walks 'long the sidewalk," Mrs. Bingham insisted to her son, who wished her to put her savings into the bank. The youngest of a large family, Link had been accustomed all his life to Mrs.

Arnot, says I, moppin' my eyes agin, 'if you say another word about the little chap I shall be struck all of a heap, fur my heart jist kinder kinder pains like a toothache to do somethin' for him. Then all of a suddent she turns on me sharp agin, and says she, 'I think you are a very inconsistent man, Mr. Growther.