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I can just see him nicely curl and kick. Worse luck, I can't shoot a bloomin' 'ouse". But the opportunity was so exquisite, that he resolved to try the exit reached, would run, get a pistol, and return; but at the door itself a hand touched his shoulder, and, with a twist of guilty scare, he saw O'Hara. "Good Gawd!" he whispered, "what you want to startle anybody like that for?

For a long time the boys could discover nothing, but at last they caught sight of a little splash of water four or five hundred yards below, where a trickling stream entered the main river at a low place. "He'll stood there an' fight the fly, maybe so," said Moise. "Ha-hum! Why he'll don' see us I don' know, me. Why the boat he'll not scare heem I'll don' know, me, too.

Price said we might come to a pinch where we could use them to show we were not unprotected, and to scare any crowd that tried to interfere with us." "Well, it begins to look like real business," commented Hiram. "That's what we're here for." "Yes, indeed." They had no difficulty in getting the Monarch II aloft, the hollow extending for several hundred feet.

Why, just consider a moment what a tiresome thing life would be were it not for the prospect of death at any moment! That's all that keeps us hustling, my boy trying to put over a winning run before the game is called on account of darkness. Hell's bells! Don't try to scare me with a sheet and the rattle of old bones. Suppose they do blow us up?

"I believe you told me the other day that Boomer is related to Sooty the Chimney Swift," said Peter. Jenny nodded vigorously. "So I did, Peter," she replied. "I'm glad you have such a good memory. Boomer and Sooty are sort of second cousins. There is Boomer now, way up in the sky. I do wish he'd dive and scare some one else." Peter tipped his head 'way back.

At the time set the three boys met on the wharf of the yacht club, and were speedily ready to start on their trip. Rob brought along bluefish squids and lines, and Tubby never at a loss to scare up a hurried lunch had a basket full of good things to eat.

For Marise it had the sweetness of a longed-for anaesthetic, it had the very odor of the dreamless quiet into which she longed to sink. But Agnes shrank away, drew hastily closer to Marise, and whispered in a sudden panic, "Oh, don't it scare you? Aren't you afraid to be here all alone, just you and me? We'd ought to have had a man stay too."

That spindle-legged dude!" said Stubbs, exploding with laughter. "My! he couldn't scare a fly." Harry laughed, too. He could not help doing so. "He seems a good fellow, though not exactly a hero," he said. "I am glad to have his good will." "He is more of a tailor's dummy than a man," said Stubbs. "I always want to laugh when I look at him. Hist! there's the captain."

For she believed him utterly, without reservation. The moment he had spoken she was convinced that the panic was a silly scare which would be food for merriment in future years. And yet was not that smile in derision of herself of her friends who were running away? Was it not an assumption of Northern superiority, to be resented? "It is only a malicious rumor, Miss Carvel," he answered.

There was nothing about Lambert's appearance to scare anybody, and least of all a bow-legged man beside a fire in the open air of the Bad Lands, where things are not just as they are in any other part of this world at all.