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Even an epidemic scare does not essentially vary the daily monotony, which is accepted with a dogged fatality: There had been no vacation for Ruth Leigh, and she jokingly said, when at length she got a half-hour for a visit to Edith, that she would hardly know what to do with one if she had it. "We have got through very well," she added. "We always dread the summer, and we always dread the winter.

I'll stay here as long as you do." "All right," he said lowering his powder down the hole and tamping it gently with a stick, "I see I can't scare you." "Oh, you thought you could scare me!" she burst out mockingly, "I suppose you're a great success with the girls." "Well," he mocked back, "a good-looking fellow like me " And then he paused and grinned slyly.

The Red Indian makes these fences to lead and scare the deer to the lake, during the periodical migration of these animals; the Indians being stationed looking out, when the deer get into the water to swim across, the lake being narrow at this end, they attack and kill the animals with spears out of their canoes.

Just before President Colbrith took his place at the head of the long table to call the meeting to order, Adair leaned forward to say in low tones: "I couldn't give you the tip you wanted, Mr. Ford, but I can give you another which may serve as well. If your good word doesn't win out, scare 'em scare 'em stiff! I don't know but you could frighten half a million or so out of me if you should try."

The echo of it went booming up to scare the birds on the hillside, but evoked no answer from the silent castle. "They keep a zealous watch," laughed the Count. "Again, Lanciotto." The man obeyed him, and again and again his deep voice rang out like a trumpet-call before sign was made from within that it had been heard.

All round were vessels in distress; the scare caused many of the seamen to forget their lights, and the ships lumbered on, first to collision, and then to that crashing plunge which takes all hands down. The little schooner was actually obliged to offer assistance to a big mail-steamer and yet she might have been rather easily carried by that same steamer.

The savages this time had landed quite near Robinson's shelter, not more than a half mile below the creek's mouth. Soon he and Friday started off. Robinson commanded Friday to follow quietly and not to speak or shoot. "We will surprise them and give them a good scare," said Robinson. When yet a considerable distance away they could hear the savages yelling and screaming.

"I hope we haven't given him a scare," chuckled Thad, "under the impression that one of us may be the sheriff, or some indignant farmer who's lost some of his chickens lately, and traced them feathers to this camping spot." The hobo, however, did not attempt to run. He watched their approach with interest, and even waved a friendly hand toward the two lads.

The editor of the Belmount Refiner was the first to smell smoke and to raise the cry of "Fire!" but by midnight the wires were humming with the news and the entire State was ablaze. The story as it appeared under the scare headlines the next morning was crisply told. An oil company had been formed with Senator Duvall at its head.

This had to be subdued or counteracted, and as the Government were unaccustomed to manly, straightforward dealing, they fell back on their natural method of intrigue and the spreading of reports that were likely to encourage and create prejudice against their captive. It was imputed to them that while the Congress was sitting at Aix-la-Chapelle they got up a scare of a daring plot of escape.