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"With your money you don't want to waste time bothering about a business like that. Sell it and clear out. I should, if I were in your place." "No, you wouldn't; and I'm not going to, anyway. If they think they can scare me into running away they're mistaken. A handful of loafers!"

"They both insisted it would be a wonderful hazing stunt, and that no college freshman's life was complete without a lively ghost scare. I didn't think it would be more than a lot of fun, so I promised not to tell," admitted Shirley.

Shalt ha' the guineas when we're back and not before." "Hum!" quoth Blake, to whom eight guineas were a consideration in these bankrupt days. "And if you don't come back at all upon whom am I to draw?" The suggestion sank through Dick's half-fuddled senses, and the scare it gave him was reflected on his face. "Damn you, Blake!" swore Vallancey between his teeth.

"Do you know, you're the first man who has offered to do me a favor; you're the only one who hasn't tried to hold me back and climb over me. You're the first man I've seen with with a smile on his face." The speaker nodded. "I know! It's peety, too. Dese poor feller is scare', lak' you.

Lewis and very soon afterward luncheon was announced the beans were laid over for the evening meal. An hour or two later Mrs. Lewis hurried off to the little station, after promising Freda that she would be most careful of the dark road known as the "Cut." "For, Mother dear," warned Freda, "I do believe those land sharks would do almost anything to scare the information out of us.

"You don't believe in ghosts, do you, Cass?" said he, taking the tongs and settling the fire. "I thought you'd more sense than to let noises scare you." "No matter what I believe," said Cassy, sullenly. "Fellows used to try to frighten me with their yarns at sea," said Legree. "Never come it round me that way. I'm too tough for any such trash, tell ye."

He would make himself indispensable; the ship had a bad name in her port; it would be easy to scare the fellows off. Massy would have to keep him. "A definite statement from me would be enough," Massy repeated slowly. "Yes, sir. It would." Sterne stuck out his chin cheerily and blinked at close quarters with that unconscious impudence which had the power to enrage Massy beyond anything.

But though we kept on following the sounds we seemed to get no nearer, and to make matters worse, so as not to scare them uncle said it would be better not to fire, with the consequence that we missed shooting some very beautiful birds that flitted from tree to tree. "We must give up the birds of paradise to-day, Nat," said my uncle at last.

The sand is running on ever diminishing. New torments assail her. She thinks of all she loves most on earth of her daughter! Oh! if Alizon were near her, she might pray for her might scare away these frightful visions might save her. She calls to her but she answers not. No, she is utterly abandoned of God and man, and must perish eternally. Again she consults the hourglass.

"No, don't Daddy dear," begged Ruth laying a detaining hand on his arm, as he turned to the door. "That would only make it more unpleasant for us. We would have to go to court and testify, if you had him arrested. And, besides, I don't know on what charge you could cause his arrest. He really did nothing to us, except to hurt our feelings and scare us. But I fancy Russ scared him in turn.