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"Ha, ha!" said Brandon, laughing sardonically; "we know human nature!" "And how it may be gulled!" quoth the courtier. "Here's a health to your niece; and may it not be long before you hail her as your friend's bride!" "Bride, et cetera," said Brandon, with a sneer meant only for his own satisfaction. "But mark me, my dear lord, do not be too sure of her.

He sat back, smiled. "We seem to have a persistent tendency to become serious to-night," he remarked. Serious! Adrian saw a vision of the drill-grounds, and smiled sardonically; then he raised his head in surprise, for the new butler had broken all the rules of the household and was summoning his uncle to the telephone in the midst of dessert. He awaited the expected rebuke, but it did not come.

He drew with inimitable skill a picture of the despised and fantastic Jew, vain as a peacock and absurdly dressed, alien in race and in his real creed, smiling sardonically at English ways, enthusiasms, and institutions, until he became, after years of struggle and obloquy, the idol of what was then the proudest aristocracy in the world. Disraeli's peculiar humour just suited Froude's taste.

Nature had not afflicted him with passions nor any original thought, he therefore lived an exemplary existence, his mind fortified with exemplary opinions, doctrines, and old saws. "I wonder if he is alive," Mike had once said. ", , tout au plus," Harding had replied, sardonically. Collier was now learning Sanscrit and writing an article for the Quarterly.

'You fool! muttered the strange visitor sardonically, and as he spake he vanished as silently as he had come. 'Well, said Harry laughingly, as he showed me the family portraits, and more especially the ladies, on the wall of the panelled dining-room, 'which of them would you choose if you were, like Henry VIII., on the look-out for a fresh wife?

Joe led him into the tunnel, laughing sardonically because Casey found it scarcely wide enough for his oscillating progress. They turned into a drift. Casey did not know which drift it was, though he tried foggily to remember. He was still, you must know, trying to keep a level head and gain valuable information for the sheriff who he hoped would return to the butte with Barney.

It was not often that Lane cursed, but he did so now. "But Blair, didn't you tell your mother what this fellow is?" remonstrated Lane. "Well, I'll say I did," replied Blair, sardonically. "Cut no ice whatever. She didn't believe. She didn't care for any proofs. All rich young men had their irregularities!... Good God! Doesn't it make you sick?" "But how about Holt Dalrymple?"

It's about time we got even him," the General remarked sardonically. "Have him in! See to it, Forbes." And again he bent over his map. Forbes, passing out again, paused as Harris gestured. "You'll find him somewhere near the guard house," the Lieutenant said with a flicker of a, smile. "The old man has been regularly camping out there since he learned that his master was inside."

He could not help thinking that to grumble in the presence of that rich, despotic personality would require a superhuman courage. "They're the most ungrateful people in the world," said Mrs. Mattock. "Why, then," thought Shelton, "do you go amongst them?" She continued, "One must do them good, one, must do one's duty, but as to getting thanks " Lady Bonington sardonically said,