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M. de Boulogne stopped the occupation on which he was engaged to give me a most friendly greeting, but when I said that he owed me a hundred thousand florins he smiled sardonically. "I happen to know," he said, "that you have bills of exchange to the amount of a hundred thousand crowns payable to yourself."

I asked sardonically, switching myself the while, and still capering from the effect of the nettles. He darted towards his horse, but before he reached the bridle my hand was on his shoulder. "What do you want?" he gasped. "I want your ," I replied sternly. "I'm getting full up of the admiration of the gods; I want the admiration of my fellow-men.

The real fact is that I want to hear Elsmere. 'You had better go, my dear! said her husband sardonically. 'I cannot imagine anything more piquant than an atheistic slum on Easter Eve. 'Nor can I! she replied, her combativeness rousing at once. 'Much obliged to you, Hugh. I will borrow my housekeeper's dress, and be ready to leave here at half-past seven.

Without raising his eyes, and keeping his back to Kenneth, who stood between him and the door, he went next to the table, and, taking up the sword that he had left there, he restored it to the sheath. As the hilt clicked against the mouth of the scabbard: "Come, Sir Crispin!" cried the lad. "Are you ready?" Galliard wheeled sharply round. "How? Not gone yet?" said he sardonically.

'Do you remember the faro bank at Florence, Tommy, and the three hundred livres you lost to that old harridan, Lady Harrington? Pearls cast before swine you styled them, I remember. 'Lord, Sir George! Mr. Thomasson cried, vastly horrified. 'How can you say such a thing? Your excellent memory plays you false. 'It does, Soane answered, smiling sardonically. 'I remember.

The carriage turned into a second side street, narrower and darker than the last. "Are we going right?" she said apprehensively. "No, madame; we are going wrong we are going to the wicked part of the city." "But but you are sure Mr. Greyne will be there?" Abdallah Jack laughed sardonically. "Monsieur Greyne is never anywhere else. Monsieur Greyne is wicked as is a mad Touareg of the desert."

Grandfather Fragini has attached himself to the regiment while it rests in barracks a few hours' march from the frontier. He is accepted as the mascot of the company in which both his grandson and Stransky are serving. But he never speaks to Stransky and refers to him in the third person as "that traitor," which makes Stransky grin sardonically.

"She is just the thing for you," said Claude Vignon, smiling sardonically at Calyste. The young man was deeply wounded by the words, and by the manner in which they were said. "Don't put such ideas into Calyste's mind; you don't know how dangerous such jokes may prove to be," said Mademoiselle des Touches, hastily.

Lastly, it said that a representative of the Midland Railway had "assured our representative that the horses were not the property of the Midland Railway." Louis had sardonically repeated the phrase "apparently little the worse," murmuring it with his eyes shut. He had said, "I wish they could see me." Still, he had made no further mention of sending for a solicitor.

Why don't you tell me about your life on Earth these last nine years?" Steve smiled sardonically. "There's not much to tell, and what there is is a pretty dull story. I came across the bridge from the Enclave last time the Valhalla was in town, and came over into York City all set to conquer the world, become rich and famous, and live happily ever after.