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I was also told that it never had been intended to use me for any important mediumistic purpose, except so far as my experience might be useful. So I gradually let the thing drop. Regarding the new light as scientific rather than religious, I long since pigeon-holed it among my sciences. I sardonically tell total Sadducees that I have placed it among the exact sciences.

At all events, she was gone, and there was now nothing to be gained from an attempt to bluster the detective down, but deeper shame and the scorn of all beholders. "What do you want?" the little man asked in a more pacific tone. "We can talk better inside, unless" the detective grinned sardonically "you want to get out hand-bills about this matter." "Let me go, then," said P. Sybarite.

"There will surely be a thunder-storm," protested her father. "There will surely be a thunder-storm," acquiesced Eve Edgarton. Without further parleying she turned and strolled off again. Just for an instant the Older Man's glance followed her. Just for an instant with quizzically twisted eyebrows his glance flashed back sardonically to Barton's suffering face.

It had seeded trout streams with fingerlings and the lake itself with baby big-mouthed bass. The huge trailer truck of Wild Life Control was familiar enough. Lockley had seen it headed up to the lake the day before the landing. Now he found himself wondering sardonically to what degree the Wild Life Control men determined where mountain lions should hunt.

Joe fumbled in his pocket and brought out the yellow sheet. "I'd like to introduce my crew," said Joe. "This is Haney, and Chief Bender, and Mike Scandia." He waved his hand, and his whole body wobbled unexpectedly. "We'll know each other!" said Sanford sardonically. "Our first job is more futility to get the guided missiles you've brought us into the launching tubes. A lot of good they'll do!"

I can see her now at the dinner-table at Gosford, sardonically watching a real "fashionable lady" who had arrived in the afternoon and was sitting next Lord Wemyss at the farther end with a wonderful frizzled head, an infinitesimal waist sheathed in white muslin and blue ribbons, rouged cheeks, a marvelous concatenation of jewels, and a caressing, gesticulating manner meant, at fifty, to suggest the ways of "sweet and twenty."

Garman swayed like a broken tree, but despite it he smiled sardonically. "You had hoped I had changed?" His voice was little more than a painful whisper. Swaying drunkenly, almost falling, he drove himself on to speak. "That the leopard's spots had become whiter than snow? My dear Miss Fairclothe, people don't change like that. Behold yourself: even the jungle and sun, even I, couldn't change you.

For a moment Marion sat very still on the soap box, stunned, staring open-mouthed at Haig. What had she done? That mad speech! Then she leaped to her feet. "No! No!" she cried. "You shall not!" He smiled at her. "Shall not?" he repeated sardonically. "I mean please not that!" she faltered. "Why not?" he demanded, almost gaily. "Oh, please! I didn't mean it that way."

"Pot-shooting at him isn't going to teach him anything except perhaps what is over the Great Divide, Doug," said Peter dryly. Scott laughed sardonically. "The law has got something to say in this case," announced the sheriff, lighting a small black pipe. "No, it hasn't," exclaimed Douglas; "not if I don't want it to." "You aren't the whole of Lost Chief, Doug," said Charleton.

It's time," said Mrs Polsue sardonically. She wheeled about. "Charity Oliver, you needn't use no more silly speech to prove what I could see with my own eyes, back yonder, even if I hadn't known it already. You're a weak fool that's what you are!