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"I don't suppose they will mind ha'pennies," said Kitty consolingly. "Of course they won't," said Betty, who was rather cross at having to lay down her beloved rose and dive for her purse; "they aren't so silly. Besides, they have had our apples and sandwiches already."

The only disturbance comes when Selma butts in pushin' the tea cart, and, just from force of habit, I makes a panicky breakaway. After she's insisted on loadin' us up with sandwiches and so forth, though, I slips my arm back where it fits the snuggest. "Now, Sir," says Vee, "how are you going to hold your cup?" "I'd be willin' to miss out on tea forever," says I, "for a chance like this."

Every sort of meat tinned, potted, and preserved, roast, boiled, and stewed; every kind of fish, flesh, and fowl, can be used for it; while cheese, tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, curries, and green stuff may be employed to lay between the thin slices of bread and butter which form its distinguishing feature. To make sandwiches good, all that is necessary is to bestow a little pains upon them.

"I hope he won't get home to dinner before midnight," said Phineas. "He understands all about it," said Laurence. "He had a good meal at three, before he left home, and you'd find sandwiches and sherry in plenty if you were to search his carriage. He knows how to remedy the costs of mob popularity." At that time poor Bunce was being hustled about in the crowd in the vicinity of Mr.

She set them at the back of the table ready for the baskets; three nut sandwiches, three celery sandwiches, three lettuce sandwiches and three jelly sandwiches all ready to be put into Alice's and mother's and her own baskets. "There, now," said Alice, as she made the last one, "that's four for each of us and mother said that would be plenty with all the other good things we'd have to eat.

He was rather at a loss to account for the exotic, flamelike beauty into which she had suddenly sparkled; but he was inclined to attribute it to the arrival of Flatray. Melissy sat on a flat rock beside West, swinging her foot occasionally with the sheer active joy of life, the while she munched sandwiches and pickles.

'The mare 'll do it well, he said. 'She has had her feed, and in five minutes will be saddled at the door. 'But you must eat, dear friend, said the hostess. 'I'll munch at a packet of sandwiches on the way. There seems a chance, and the time for lunching may miss it. 'You understand...? 'Everything, I fancy. 'If she is there! 'One break in the run will turn her back.

Whenever you feel hungry you will find some sandwiches, cake, and fruit in the basket at your feet." She looked at him intently, and interpreting the expression he added: "You wish to ask me something? Am I so very frightful that you dare not question me?" "Will you tell me the truth, if I ask you?" "Most assuredly." "Mr. Palma, when shall I see my mother?"

It might be as well to keep near Downing Street a few small, fat Frenchmen, to be sent round the country when occasion called for it, shrugging their shoulders and eating frog sandwiches; or a file of untidy, lank-haired Germans might be retained, to walk about, smoking long pipes, saying "So." The public would laugh and exclaim, "War with such? It would be too absurd."

It was awfully good of you not to eat anything till I got here." "There's enough to last us till we get home, anyway," said Edna, munching away at the sandwiches with much satisfaction. "Now tell us, Cricket, what became of you?" "Nothing became of me.